Vol 1 Dawnbreak

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Ayanokoji's pov

I looked down at both the scrolls Itachi had given me last week. They were rather simple but effective Jutsus. The first being Wind style: Wild Air waves. This Jutsu was a wind base attack. It allowed the user to shoot a large amount of air from the users mouth creating a wind wave attack. It was very useful to hit multiple opponents at once. The other is Lightning style: Thunderbolt. This is a lightning Jutsu that allows the user to shoot a bolt of lightning from their palm.

These two Jutsus were very powerful on their own but I wanted to make them stronger. I had an idea, currently when it comes to element Jutsus I know four. Lightning Beast, Thunderbolt, Wild Air Waves, and Wind Bullets. What if I could combine these Jutsus together.

For example I could use Lightning Beast to distract my enemy, while they focus on avoiding the attack I could use Wind Bullets to catch them off guard. I could also hide Wind Bullets behind Lightning Beast to catch them off guard. As for Wild Air Waves and Thunderbolt, what if I could actually combine them together. Like creating a shock wave of pure thunderbolts but having the dangerous cutting waves of wind behind it.

It seems I will be busy for a while. The best way of doing this is to first learn how to use one handed seals at the same time. This way I could use two Jutsus at once. This will require me to take my chakra control to a whole new level.


2 months, that's how long it's been since I started training on creating my idea. Each day I could train so my body couldn't take it anymore. I had to push myself to a new level, for this I had to break my body and rebuild it even stronger and that's exactly what I did.

Currently I was standing on top of a river, the water moved fast and moved side to side roughly. I had my hands speared to the side, standing on one leg. I had multiple leaves on my body that I was sticking to myself using chakra. What I was doing now took impressive to a whole new level. I was using chakra to balance myself on one foot on top of a rushing river while at the same time using my chakra to stick every leaf that landed on me onto my body.

This was incredibly hard if I must be honest. Over the best 2 months I must have failed this well over 500 times but each time I got back up and kept going till my body was at it's limit and I had just a bit of chakra left in my body to keep me alive.

I've been in this position for the past hour and 37 minutes, unmoving. I opened my eyes and released the chakra I was using to stick the leaves to me. I then moved off the river.

I moved towards training ground 7, prepared to spend my whole day there till I got this idea of mine down. I will not fail, even if I must practice for a year I will get it down, after all, within the whiteroom training is all I did, for 15 years training every single day.

As I landed on the open field of training ground 7 I prepared myself. I will start off with my easiest idea first.

I went through one handed signs at the same time in both my hands. I focused, I erased all other thoughts from my mind, all that mattered now was my chakra. I could feel it, my chakra moving throughout my body. I felt where my chakra met, the middle point of all of it, my heart. Slowly I focused on all the chakra coming from that middle point, I focused on pushing it into two different directions instead of just one. One direction headed towards my left hand, the other towards my right hand. Slowly I felt it, there I had enough chakra to perform my Jutsu. However that was not all that was needed, I then began to push some chakra into my stomach as well, as I did this I began to inhale slowly and as much air as I could. Once I had this done I focused on the chakra in my right hand. I felt the electricity in my body, I needed to combine it with the chakra in my right hand, if not I will mess this all up. I focused all the electricity that was solely running through my right hand, fusing it with my chakra in my right hand. I then felt it.

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