Vol 1 Friendship

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Ayanokoji's pov

Fuinjutsu to many people in this world was something incredible. Many people in this world were unable to understand it or even use it. Reading the Fuinjutsu book Itachi had given me I could now understand why.

The people of this world were all Japanese from what I knew, however many of these seals were mixed up between three languages, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Because of this it would make sense why people struggle to create seals because they had to write and read languages that they didn't understand.

However for me, someone who learned to speak all the languages in my past world this was rather simple. However the other hard part was not using too much chakra and not messing up the seals. Seals are very complicated and one wrong step could lead to the seal being messed up. In the best case the seal just wouldn't work, worst case the seal would go off on you and hurt you.

I grabbed the small paint brush I had brought and began to write on a small piece of paper. I was writing down the seal for an explosion seal. As I finished I pushed some of my chakra into the seal to activate it and threw it up into the air. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,


I watched as the seal blew up in the air and created a small cloud of smoke. I then grabbed the brush and began creating more seals, these seals will definitely come in handy.

An idea then came to my mind as I grabbed some of my kunai and began wrapping the seals around them.

It had been a month since Itachi gave me the Fuinjutsu level one book and sword. I had started practicing my Kenjutsu skills three times a week. I had learned how to use a sword in my past life but my skills were a little rusty.

Once I was creating my explosion tags I went over my Fuinjutsu book and looked over more seals. There were many different seals here, from sealing, barrier, sensory and attack seals. However the seals I wanted to try at the moment were the sensing seals. I grabbed my brush and on 20 different sheets on paper wrote down the seals. I then moved around the training ground and began placing the seals down in places I believed they would not be found. As I did I pushed some of my chakra into it.

Once I was done I returned back to the middle of the field. Once there I closed my eyes and focused on my chakra. I then began releasing my chakra outwards in waves. Soon I started to feel the chakra of animals within the circle of my seals. The way these seals worked is that you placed them around a field in a circle formation and pushed your chakra into the seals. Once you were done you could go anywhere within that circle and push your chakra outwards. Your chakra will travel to the seals that have your chakra in, once your chakra makes connection with those seals the seals would send their own waves of chakra back, covering the circle formation and picking up on all the chakra signatures it passed, once my chakra hit me again I would be able to know the locations of where my chakra sensed all chakra signatures it picked up on while returning to me. Basically these seals were like a radar using its own waves to pick up on other waves and I was the receiver.

As I was sensing the area around me I picked up on a chakra signature different from all the other ones I was picking up on. All the other chakra signatures I was picking up on were from animals however this one was from a person, a person with low amounts of chakra and very thin chakra. This type of chakra could only belong to a child.

I opened my eyes and headed towards where I sensed the child at. As I landed on a tree above them I noticed it was the child I had saved a few months back. Her name was Hinata Hyuga. She was walking around and had tears rolling down her face. Her body was shaking, she was about to break down any moment now.

Cote: The Demonic NinjaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt