Vol 1 Train

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Ayanokoji's pov

It has been two weeks since the day I saved Naruto and Hinata. I haven't seen them since that day. I however did find a training place I could go to. It was a training ground known as training ground 7. It was empty all the time and I could only assume this is because there is no team 7 as of now. 

In front of me was a training dummy. I took out five shuriken that the head caretaker had given me after I asked her.

I aimed at the dummy and threw all five at once. I watched as one implemented in the middle of the dummy's forehead, another in the middle of the neck, another in the heart, and the last two in the dummy's eyes. While in the white room I had knife training and as such was trained how to throw a knife so throwing shuriken was rather simple for me.

I walked up to the dummy and grabbed all the shuriken and walked back to where I originally was. I looked at the shuriken, I should be able to push my chakra into it so it can do more damage. I focused my chakra into my hands and focused on bringing it to the shuriken. However I couldn't get it.

I closed my eyes to be able to focus more, I took a breath in and out. I focused on guiding my chakra to my hand, once I felt I gathered a good amount I focused on passing it though to the shuriken. Again I failed. I opened my eyes and looked at the shuriken. It was a rather small object so maybe giving it chakra though my hands gave it too much to the point it canceled out. Let's try something else then.

Again I focused on sending chakra to my hand but this time I didn't send it straight to the shuriken, instead I guided the chakra that was in my hand directly to my fingertips that then pushed the chakra into the shuriken. I watched as the shuriken glowed blue a bit, indicating that I succeeded. I then threw the shuriken at the dummy and watched as it went deeper into the dummy than when I threw it with no chakra. I then did the same with the other four shuriken I had.

After about 30 minutes of practicing this I stopped and moved on to the next thing I wanted to practice. I went through the hand signs needed to perform the Jutsu as I focused on a leaf that was about 15 feet away from me. As I finished the hand signs I felt my body start to feel as if it was being moved at high speeds but then it stopped. I yet again failed to switch places with the leaf, however I could feel that I was closer and this time I felt less sick. I again pushed chakra towards my hands and repeated the hand signs.

I did this 43 times before I felt my body move on its own at a very high speed, I then found myself where the leaf was. I was able to do the body replacement technique on a leaf. I couldn't help but feel relieved as I let myself fall to the ground. I was quite exhausted from using too much chakra. When you fail a Jutsu you tend to use more chakra and so get tired easier. Lucky for me this is an E rank Jutsu so it doesn't take much chakra and as such I could perform it so many times before getting exhausted.

After two weeks I'm finally able to do it. Now I'll have to keep practicing till I'm able to do it repeatedly. I also need to start training on increasing my chakra. The max amount of chakra I'll be able to gain is determined by genetics. I could only hope that I was lucky enough to be born with those genetics, however if my body truly is what it was in my past life then I should be able to gain a large amount of chakra. To increase my chakra I'm going to have to train my body and mind more.

I then got off the ground, that means I'm going to have to push my body to its limits. I looked at another leaf and focused on it and began performing the hand signs for the body replacement technique again.

After performing the Jutsu 17 more times I stopped, I was breathing heavily and had sweat dripping down my entire body. Man, chakra exhaustion is really tough. I feel as if my body is going to drop any moment. However I can still push myself before I'm completely exhausted. Out of the 17 times I performed the Jutsu I managed to perform it correctly 9 times. Which is rather good compared to my last two weeks where I fail every single time. However something then came into my head.

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