Vol 1 Dawn

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Ayanokoji's pov

It has been three months since Hinata, Naruto and I spent that day together by the river. Since then I have talked to them more. Besides Itachi, they are the only other people I really talk to.

Now as for my training well I've made it way much harder for myself. I had long finished the Level 1 Fuinjutsu book Itachi gave me. Because of this he had given me the Level 2 book. That book spoke on weight seals, seals that can be used to put a bunch of weight on people to the point they can't move. I've decided to use this very skill for training. I put a weight seal on my body so that way my body can get used to that weight, once my body gets used to it I will increase the weight even more. Once I release the seal I will be much faster since I won't have all that weight holding me back anymore.

At the moment the weight of the seal was up to 100 pounds(45kg). This means I weigh 100 pounds more than I actually do. I had to work my way up to this weight though. I started 2 months ago, I started with 25 pounds(11kg) then moved to 50(22kg) then 75(34kg) and then just two days ago I moved up to 100 pounds(45kg). This may seem impressive, especially since this new body of mine is only 5 years old, however it is not as impressive as it would be if I was back in my old world. This new body of mine has chakra running through it, making me stronger and faster than I ever was in my old world.

I got off the floor I was sitting on and looked towards a tree. I went through hand signs rather quickly, I took a deep breath in, inhaling as much wind as I could, I moved my chakra towards my throat.

"Wind Style: Wind bullets" I said, suddenly bullets made from the wind escaped my mouth. In total there were 13, each slamming into the tree, actually no slamming is wrong, they cut right through the tree and hit the tree behind it.

It took me 2 weeks to finally get it to this level. The first time I performed the Jutsu it merely just made a small cut on the tree.

"That's rather impressive." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see Itachi there.

"I suppose but it's still weak compared to how strong it can be." I told him. Which was the truth, wind attacks can not be seen by anyone, the only way to tell if a wind attack is coming at you is by sensing the chakra in the attack or sensing the wind coming at you. It is also very sharp. When I master this Jutsu I will be able to cut at least 10 trees with just one wind bullet.

"I suppose but for someone your age it is very impressive." Itachi told me.

"I suppose you're right on that part." I told him.

"Ayanokoji, may I ask you something?" Itachi told me.

"Sure." I told him.

"If it was up to you what would you do, protect your home or your family?" Itachi asked me. I turned towards him, wondering if this could be because of the tension between the Uchihas and the village. I'm sure most adults can sense it, after all whenever I see an Uchiha in public I notice the villagers giving them a look of worry, like if they're scared of them for some reason.

"Tell me though, why must I choose between the two, what is forcing me?" I asked.

"Let's say your family is not the only people in that home, there are other people who live in your home, those people however treat your family wrongly. Your family has put up with it for years but is reaching their boiling point, any day now your family could start a fight with the other people in your home. Now you have to choose to save your home which your family shall surely destroy while fighting the other people. A home that you love so much, a home that you have known your whole life or protect your family who you love just as much as you love your home." Itachi told me.

"Tell me does everyone in your family want to fight?" I asked.

"No, the children and a few others either do not wish to fight or are too young to understand what is going on." Itachi said.

"Then I would choose the middle ground, I will protect my home while protecting those of my family who do not wish to harm my home. I can understand why my family is angry, being mistreated can lead many to violence however that does not make it right for them to destroy a home and harm others, and especially the innocent. So I would protect my home, protect the innocent within my family and let the others decide their own fate." I told Itachi. Itachi looked at me for a few seconds before nodding his head.

"I see, thank you." Itachi told me. "I shall be going now. Before I go here." Itachi said and headed me two scrolls, a lightning and wind Jutsu. "They're both C rank Jutsus." He told me.

"I see, thank you." I told him and he nodded. Itachi then turned around ready to head out. "Wait." I called out. Itachi turned his head to face me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"No matter what people may say about you in the future, just know I will always know how humble and noble you are." I told him. I watched as a small but warm, and thankful smile came on his face. He nodded and disappeared. Whatever Itachi may do in the future I know it will not be easy for him, within the last year of me knowing Itachi he has become the closest person I can call a true friend. Within my whole life he has been the only person who has befriended me and expects nothing from me. He never tried to force me to do anything I did not want. I suppose he may actually be my first friend.

His next step in life will be a very rough and painful one, the least I can do is support him the best I can. My next step in this new life is coming up very shortly. After all, in a few months I will enter the ninja academy. There is where it will start, my manipulation into gaining political power. After all, I'm sure there will be at least a few clan heirs in my year. 

AN: I know I've been gone for a while but to tell you the truth I was stress with school and lost the energy to write anything but I'm back now. Don't worry I will not drop any of my stories especially not this one I grew up with Naruto and love the show a lot and I love COTE a lot too. 

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