
241 4 20

!TW!(Touching without Consent & Fighting)

You ended up spending the night with Hercules and stayed up talking, laughing and gossiping. After you left and headed home, you quickly checked your mailbox, and you had received a letter from..Eliza?

You set the letter on the table, before slipping off your shoes and light jacket. You sit on the couch and carefully open the very beautiful letter.

It Says : 

Elizabeth Schuyler And Alexander Hamilton Invite you to their wedding celebration

On Saturday The Fourteenth Of December At

32 Catherine St, Albany, NY 12202

Dinner And Dancing To Follow

Hope To See You There!

The Invite :

It had taken you about ten minutes to understand the situation at hand

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It had taken you about ten minutes to understand the situation at hand. Eliza...and Alexander...are...getting married?!

Your eyes widen in shock as you drop the invitation on the coffee table. This felt as if you lost a loved one and the stage of grief you were in, was denial.

You were happy for the two of them of course, but why so suddenly? What could have possibly happened for them to marry so quickly? You were feeling so many things all at once. 

But you decided that it wasn't something you should put yourself down about. Your friends are getting married! You should be happy for them...right?

You get up to get a glass of water, but you hear a knock at the door. Who could it be now?

You reluctantly open the door, to see Hercules there.

"Hey Y/N, you forgot your-" 

"Hercules, Eliza and Alexander are getting married!" you blurt out while cutting off Hercules. You grab whatever you forgot from his hands, and pull him to sit on the couch with you.

"Did you get the letter in the mail yet?" you ask while looking at him.

"Wait Y/N, slow down!" Hercules says while laughing at your antics.

"Let's start from the beginning, okay?" He says while smiling.

You take a deep breath before telling him the series of events.

"I had just got home, and I decided to check my mailbox, since I hadn't checked it in a bit. So I open it to see the usual mail for George, then i spot a beautiful letter with my name on it. So i open it to see that Alex and Eliza are getting married! And that's how we got here." you say. You stop yourself from ranting on to see how Hercules feels about it.

"It happened so quickly though." Hercules says looking confused. "I know right! I still can't believe it. I'm so happy for them. They deserve it." You say as your smile starts to fade away.

The Devil's Smile (Thomas Jefferson X Fem Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now