Let's Go Upstate Pt.1

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After about month two of the deal the three of you previously made, you, Eliza, Peggy, and Angelica have become the best of friends since then. You, Laurens, Mulligan, Lafayette, have also become extremely tight knit. Including Alex and Thomas, the nine of you have had the best memories so far.

You were lying on one of the couches with Eliza in one of the Schuyler sisters' estates. It was summer and you were bored out of your mind. "Eliza I'm so bored." you sigh to her exasperatedly. "Then what do you suggest we do then?" she says curiously. "There's nowhere for us to go though.." you say back to her. "Maybe there is..she says while grinning a mischevious smile at you.

She quickly whispers in your ear the plan for the summer. "That sounds like so much fun!" you say while smiling. "And all nine of us can stay there too! we have to gather every one to tell them." Eliza says while clapping excitedly. She calls one of her butlers politely, and asks him to invite everyone over, so they can discuss the plan with the rest of them.

You and Eliza run to the parlor, where you find Angelica reading "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine, and Peggy crocheting a cute little bunny.

"Angelica! Peggy! we just had the greatest idea for us to do!" you say while running up to the two girls. "I know you guys will love it!" Eliza says while trying to contain all her excitement.

After Telling Them The Idea

"That's a great idea you two!" Angelica says while smiling. "but when are we gonna go though?" Peggy says with curiosity in her eyes. "We were thinking of telling everyone over dinner, so we could plan dates that work with everyone's schedule." You say to answer Peggy's question.

"And they should be coming anytime soon, so let's get ready girls!" Eliza says while pulling Peggy and Angelica up, and heading upstairs.

Your Supper Outfit : 

After getting ready, you find Peggy, and Eliza sitting in the living room, while Angelica went to go help the staff prepare dinner in the kitchen(s)

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After getting ready, you find Peggy, and Eliza sitting in the living room, while Angelica went to go help the staff prepare dinner in the kitchen(s). After about 20 minutes of conversing with the two sisters, you hear a knock on the door. Eliza goes to open it, while you and Peggy squeal with excitement. When Eliza opens the door, Lafayette, Hercules, John, Alex, and Thomas were at the door. They were all dressed up nicely, and suprisingly, Alex and Thomas weren't arguing this time. "Come in guys!" Eliza says while letting everybody in. 

You and Peggy greet everyone as they walk inside the dining room. Everyone starts taking seats, but you ended up sitting in between Thomas...and Alexander. You look up to see Hercules laughing at your predicament, but you just laugh at it aswell.

The Dining Room: (i had to)

The Dining Room: (i had to)

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