Failed Escape.

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Jimin yells out, and I could tell he was running towards me. God, why always me? I can't let him get to me, not this time. Pull yourself up, Y/N. Don't be so weak.

Ignoring the sounds coming from underneath me, I swing my legs, trying to wrap them around the branch. Then the thing that I was most worried about happened. Creaking sounds. Again. This tree is even weaker than me, I swear.

But I didn't give up, I have to climb up. "Y/N, you're bleeding. Just let go!" I hear Jimin's voice underneath me, I don't know what he's doing. I'm not going to look down. It'll only distract me. Come on, Y/N. You can do this. Encouraging myself, I give it another try, ignoring the voices and the bleeding from my hands and arms.

I swing my legs again and this time, I successfully wrapped them around the branch. The creaking increases. Quick, I have to be quick. I start sliding down with the help of my arms and legs. But I wasn't good at this, I was extremely slow and my arms were killing me. One last crack and I'm going down. This time the branch will fall right on top of me and I'm sure it'll leave plenty of cuts.

Just as the branch breaks, I scream out, closing my eyes shut as I get ready to be squished under the heavy wood. But I didn't even hit the ground. Instead, I landed in a pair of strong arms, being carried bridal style. My eyes were still tightly shut, but the scent. I knew who it was just by the scent. No one's cologne can drive me crazy other than his. He was carrying me, walking somewhere.

Don't open your eyes, Y/N. Just don't. If I do, I'll die at the sight of being carried in Jimin's arms. "Call the nurse. Quick!" I hear Jimin's demanding voice, people rushing around could be heard. Put me down already, please. I can't even breathe like this.

I felt being carried inside the room and was laid down on the bed. I keep my eyes closed until I hear the door closing. Slowly opening my eyes, I look around to see the room was empty. "Time to escape." I tell myself, getting off the bed. I noticed the blood on my arms and hands, but ignored it for now. I'll deal with it later.

I couldn't escape through the entrance today. Jimin would definitely be out there and I can't face him. My eyes land on a window, hurrying towards it, I open it with ease. Thankfully I was still on the ground floor, easier to escape from the window. Jumping out, I look around, immediately recognising where I was. The backyard. Maybe there was a backdoor here?

I slowly approached the wall, trying to find something. Dog door, anything just to help me get out of here. I don't know why I was so desperate to escape. A part of me wanted to stay until Jimin had to leave, the other part wanted to run away before I lose control again and go deeper under Jimin's charms. Obviously the second part won, making me panic. It's ironic, how I always come here to see him but run away as soon as he looks at me.

"Come on, there has to be something here." I whisper, trying to give myself some hope. "Sir, she's over here!" Shit. I hear a guard yell from behind me and just then I see some vines. Bingo. Running over, I start climbing up, thinking I'd actually be able to escape. But then I feel a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me away from the vines that I desperately wanted to cling to and escape from this deadly but tempting atmosphere.

"No!" I yell out, moving around to get out of the grip. But he was too strong for me. Why are you doing this, Jimin? Can't we just go back where I peacefully stalked you? Why must you make me go crazier than I already am? Damn my addiction with the detectives and damn Jimin for being so painfully hot. Why did I have to get so obsessed?

"Stay out!" Jimin yells at everyone and they immediately obeyed, lowering their heads. His voice was so strong and deep, so orderly that even I fell weak, even though it wasn't directed towards me. His arms were still around my waist, taking me whenever he wanted with so much ease. I felt butterflies appearing in my stomach. Having his arms around me was doing things to me that I didn't want to admit.

He lays me down on the same bed I managed to run away from, hovering above me. Park Jimin was on top of me, towering over me with his dominance. I couldn't even breathe, looking up at his beautiful eyes mindlessly. "Why are you avoiding me?" He growls out, holding my jaw in his hand. His question leaves me breathless. Why did he care if I run away or not? If I stalked him or not? Was me trying to run away affecting him that much?

"Answer me, Y/N." His voice was cold, making me shiver with terror underneath him. "I don't like to wait. Speak!" I flinch at his loud voice, shutting my eyes tightly. I couldn't process anything, he was too close and I was too weak. He was angry and I was way too scared. Just say whatever comes to your mind, Y/N. Don't think.

That's the advice I gave myself before mumbling under his harsh hold. "I- I'm not." Don't stutter. Not again, Y/N. Be strong. "You are. What happened to the girl who couldn't stop stalking me, huh?" His questions were leaving me speechless. What could I possibly answer to that?

He leans down to my ear, whispering. "Breathe." That's when I realized, I've been holding my breath all this time. Gasping out for air, I keep my eyes shut. His hot breath on my ear was making me tingle all over. "Please.." I whisper, fisting my hands tightly. Time to stand for myself, or at least try to. I wasn't just really scared, but I was so fucking weak when it came to him.

"Please what?" He whispers against my ear again, making it harder for me to stay in my senses. "Let me go, please." My words caught him by suprise I think as he moves away from my ear. Though I couldn't tell for sure as my eyes were shut. Why wasn't he letting me go anyway? What does he want from me? Does he want to play around? Does he want me to keep stalking him just for fun? Does he want to kill me? I had so many questions, but I didn't have the courage to ask them.

My situation with Jimin was getting more complicated by the second. I love stalking him, I love seeing him everyday, I love admiring him from afar. But ever since I found out that he knows everything, I've never felt this scared before. Not to mention, his actions confuse me too much. He isn't killing me, he isn't torturing or keeping me locked up. Instead, he gets angry when I try to run for my life? Life would be so much better if I hadn't fallen from that dumbass branch. Twice.

"What if I don't want to?"

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