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Today is y/n collage first day after transferred for her place to her new home she was so excited for collage but suddenly a loud thud snap your thoughts from you as you look the door frame side

Y/n pov:
I looked at that side as i was ready for my collage and there is KIM TaEHYUNG
Tae: good morning y/n ,good sleep?(smrik)
Y/n : yes but why are u asking that its none of your business
Tae: (enetrs the room ) you have very sharp mouth you little
Y/n : (gasp) what did-
Tae: btw why u look so ugly
Y/n : your foot!
Tae: o cmon just see( walking towards mirror )

Author povs:
Y/n breath get hessy while he was looking in the mirror with one of his hand on her waist.

Tae povs:
She is looking so freakin good her light pink lips ,her soft chicks lookin so adorable , her eyelashes blinking again when we met first time i feel Something on my chest but i Don't know what is it

Y/n : why did you say that i didn't apply an too much makeup

Exactly ,y/n how can i tell you that you look perfect without makeup

Y/n: TAE!

I snap back my thought when she speak little louder

Tae: yaa - yaa uhm i have some work i got go see u sweetie

Y/n povs:
I can say that he was observing me i am not complaing but i feel sensation in my cheeks and they heated up i feel again that feeling in my chest when i saw tae for first on our meeting and now i am smile like an idiot while looking in mirror i Don't know why and then i show at clock

Y/n : o shit time was going i will be let!

Author povs:
Y/n was running threw down stairs and wave the sandwich in her mouth and go threw like wind towards door but suddenly she stopped .

Tae: sweetie again?


Thanks for reading next part will post soon ♡💌

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