🕷Miles Morales x Female Reader🕷

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Miles Morales was at a shoe store to buy some new drip to wear. He was currently in the sport shoe isle. He was examining some red and black sneakers.

Miles: These look good! Now how much are they? 

He looks at the price tag and finds out that the pair of sneakers costs $99.99. 

"Almost a hundred dollars? How much do I got on me?" Miles says in disbelief.

He begins to count the money in his wallet but before he did someone was sneaking up on him. His spider senses detect someone behind him. Before he could react, someone covered his eyes with their hands.

???: Guess who?

Miles: Ummm is it you Y/N?

???: Bingo!

The hands covering Miles' were removed. Standing behind him was Y/N, his childhood bestfriend. She was always the complete opposite of Miles, troublemaking, loud, and brash.

Miles: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: I saw you across the street and decided to stop by and say hello! What? Not excited to see me?

Miles: No it's not that! Of course I'm happy to see you it's just a little suprising.

He then looked down and continued to dig through his wallet while conversing with his friend. His face made it seems as if he was worried he didn't have enough money for his shoes.

Y/N: Don't have enough bud? Ah don't worry I'll pay for them!

Miles looked at her shocked and decided to put the shoes back.

Miles: No Y/N it's okay. I shoudl've brought more money so this one is on me.

Y/N grabbed the shoes back and grabbed his hand.

Y/N: Nonsense! Besided we're both best friends so it's okay that we have each others back so come on bestie!

She began walking over to the checkout line with Miles behind her in hot pursuit with him still holding onto her hand. Y/N couldn't tell her friend was blushing. Miles was hesitating with his friend but it was no match for Y/N. She had already made up her mind.

She got to the front of the line and put the shoes on the counter.

Cashier: Nice pick! Now the shoes will be $99.99

Y/N: Here ya go!

She pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to the cashier. Unfortunately this caught Miles' attention who still didn't want her to buy the shoes.

Miles: Come on Y/N you don't have to do this!

Y/N: Like I said we both have each others back so don't worry!

Cashier: What a sweet young couple you two make!

Y/N: We do don't we Miles?

Miles: Um yeah for sure...

The cashier put the shoes in a bag and handed it to Y/N. She then handed the bag to Miles while playfully hitting his shoulder. The two kids walked out of the store and onto the parking lot. 

Y/N: Enjoy those shoes Miles because they do look good on you. Anyway where else do you want to go?

Miles: I was planning on heading out once I bought my shoes. But since I'm with you I was thinking on buying some new clothes?

Y/N: I know just the place!

Y/N grabbed Miles' hand and walked over to the bus stop. Since Y/N was focused on getting to the bus stop on time she didn't notice Miles' was sort of sweating bullets. He had never held a girls hand before so this was his first few times. The two then reached the bus stop and sat down.

Y/N: Wow what a nice sunset right Miles?

MIles: Yeah it looks nice!

Y/N: But not as nice as how you look right now! 

Y/N reaches over and pats Miles' fluffy hair. He tenses up, not knowing how to react.

Miles: C-Come on Y/N, quit it!

He then playfully shoves Y/N away while laughing.

The roaring of the bus came and the teens got up. The bus pulled up and open the doors. They climbed in and sat down. Y/N put her head on Miles' shoulder. He feels his face heating up but doesn't say anything. The bus stopped at the clothing store and the two got off. The clothing store in mind was Binco Clothing Store.

Miles: Binco? Well this is more of my budget, thanks Y/N!

Y/N: Ah you're welcome bud! Anyway let's go get some clothes!

She opened the door and entered with MiIes following behind her. Inside was a variety of shirts, jeans, jackets, and hoodies. Miles looked over at the clothing and picked up a nice graphic T-Shirt. 

Y/N: You want a shirt Miles?

Miles: Um sure! How about some jeans too?

He went over to the jeans area and grabbed a nice pair of blue jeans. Before he was done examining them however, the jeans were snatched up by Y/N.

MIles: Hey Y/N what are you doing? Don't tell me you're going to pay for that too are you?

Y/N: Maybe, but hey it's nice to spoil my bestie right?

Miles: Well yeah but I feel a little bad. I'm gonna look around more.

Eventually he ended up picking up some new shirts and jeans. When Y/N paid she made sure to flex on how much money she had, willing to spoil MIles. When they left the sky started to darken so Y/N decided to go to Miles' house. A bus came and they boarded it.

Miles: Thanks for the clothes Y/N! I do still feel a little bad on spending your money, how can I make it up?

Y/N: Well maybe letting me hangout at your place?


Y/N: Thanks for letting in your room dude! Anyway where you want me to put these clothes?

Miles: In the drawer over there, I'm gonna go get us some drinks so I'll be back.

He left the room and Y/N proceeded to open Miles' drawer. Inside were just a bunch of clothes, but something else caught her attention. A strange artifact of clothing of what looked like a costume. When Y/N pulled it out of the drawer, it unfolded and showed a spider symbol on it. But this wasn't any regular costume, this was a Spiderman costume. Was Miles cosplaying or way into the character? Y/N's thoughts were cut short when Miles entered with two cans of soda. 

He saw her holding the costume and dropped the cans out of shock. 

Miles: Hey Y/N um...this isn't what it looks like..just listen please? I was bitten by a radioactive spider and fast foward a bunch of drama and I became the new Spiderman. I never told anyone and especially you since I didn't want to scare you away. I should have told you sooner but-

Miles was interrupted by Y/N hugging him. She wasn't sad or mad. It looked like she was thankfully relieved.

Y/N: It's okay dummy, I know you couldn't tell anyone but hey at least you told me now right?

Miles: Y-Yeah, that's a good thing right?

Y/N didn't respond but gave Miles a peck on the cheek.

Miles: What was that for Y/N?

Y/N didn't respond but put her hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: It's my way of saying thank you for trusting me with all of this. You ever have anything like this, don't be afraid to tell me okay?

Miles: I promise Y/N!

Y/N: That's the spirit, now how about we watch movies all night?

Y/N set a blanket on the floor and she picked the movie to watch. Miles and Y/N were watching the movie closely sat but both ended up sleeping while holding onto each other.

Miles' Mom: Look, my bebe is growing up!

Miles' Dad: I'm proud of my boy!

                                                                                        THE END

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