"fuck off," alex raised their middle finger.

i watched them for a moment as i finished putting away my tattoo gun and whatnot. they took, presumably, the last sip of their red bull before they tossed it into the trash can.

"you look like you haven't slept in a week," miguel raised a brow.

they ran their hand through their hair. "i've been up for, like... thirty hours or some shit, i think?"

"why the fuck?!" i couldn't help but ask as my eyes widened.

i can barely stay up for eighteen hours, much less thirty.

"okay, well, i was up all day yesterday, obviously. then i stayed up all night working on a song, which is still not even finished. anyways, by the time i stopped, it was already eleven in the morning. i knew that if i went to sleep then, i wouldn't have woke up to come practice, and i didn't want to deal with you fuckers banging on my door," they rambled. "so, i didn't sleep."

"dude, we could've practice tomorrow instead, if you had just said something," miguel told them. "sleep is important, you know?"

"i'll be fine," they waved him off.

i eyed them skeptically. when jessie and miguel weren't looking, they sent me a small smirk. i playfully rolled my eyes and shook my head.

it's been a few hours. we're practicing just one more song for today before we wrap things up.

for the past five songs, alex has been sitting on the floor with their back against the wall. they were still able to play their guitar, but they were clearly exhausted. they would probably fall asleep as soon as they laid down.

hell, it wouldn't surprise me if they fell asleep right where they are, with their guitar still in their lap.

we've tried to just end practice early today, but they claimed they were fine. they wanted to continue, so we did.

they're so stubborn.

once practice was finished, alex put their guitar away, and they slumped onto the couch. jessie and miguel stayed for a bit before they both headed home. by the time they did, alex was nearly asleep on the couch.

i sighed as i looked at them. i walked over, and i gently nudged them. "why don't you go get in the bed? you're gonna regret falling asleep on the couch."

"i'm not asleep," they grumbled groggily.

i stared blankly at them. "so, you're just sitting there... with your eyes closed... not sleeping."

"mhm," they nodded with their eyes still closed and their head still laying on the armrest of the couch.

"okay... well, why don't you do that upstairs and in the bed?" i asked softly.

"no," they declined with a slight whine in their voice.

i let out a deep sigh, and i pursed my lips as i stared at them. "alex," i tried again.

they hummed, but they didn't even move or otherwise acknowledge me. i let out a huff of air before i grabbed their arm and pulled them off of the couch and to their feet. they groaned as i did.

"come on," i murmured. "upstairs you go."

they leaned heavily on me as i slowly helped them to the stairs. at one point, they leaned on me so much that we both almost collapsed to the floor.

somehow, i was able to help them up the stairs. it was honestly a miracle that i was able to, considering the fact that i could barely help them walk, and the fact that they were half asleep.

i brought them over to the bed. they collapsed onto it and laid on their stomach with their face buried into the pillow.

"roll over before you end up suffocating," i huffed as i pushed them onto their back. they groaned once more until they eventually settled into their usual sleeping position: laying on their back with their hands in fists by their head.

once again... i don't think i'll ever get over the fact that they sleep like a literal baby.

it's honestly kinda cute.

i covered them up, since they wasn't bothered with doing it their self. i was going to just leave after that. i flipped off the lights, so that the only light source came from the bathroom. just as i was about to head downstairs, they stopped me.

"stay," they mumbled as they, finally, opened their eyes and looked at me.

"huh?" my eyes widened.

"stay," they repeated softly.

"are you sure?" my brows furrowed.

"mhm," they hummed. "please?" they asked in a sleepy mumble.

i hesitated before i walked over towards them. they moved over some to allow me room on the bed. at first, i only sat there, but when they sent me a look, i laid down. my cheeks were flushed as i did so.

they seemed content as i laid down by them. they turned their head so that they were looking at the ceiling again. they closed their eyes, and i barely heard the almost inaudible "thank you," that left their lips.

i was left in quiet shock as they quickly fell asleep. i stared at the side of their face for a few moments before a small, involuntary smile played on my lips. i couldn't wipe it off until i fell asleep.

a/n ayooo


any predictions?


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