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Lisa's POV

Diana really left after she told me to. And here I am also left with what she said to me. I'm in deep thoughts. I don't even know what the teacher is saying right now. I'm just looking ahead of me with my chin rested on both of my clasped hands

"Are you praying?" A shit named Jisoo asked me disrupting my thoughts

"Go away Jisoo"
"It was go away Anna"
"I'm not even talking about frozen"
"But you're so cold"

I snapped my head to look at her direction to glare at her then she suddenly raised both of her hands like she's surrendering

"Okay I was kidding. I was just curious why are you like that after Diana left. Did you suddenly realized that she's the one you want?" I sigh at what she said and gently shook my head

"Then what's bothering you?" She added

"Well she told me who I like" I said that earned a laugh from her causing the teacher to give us a warning

"Shut up! What's so funny anyway?" I said irritatedly

"Lis did you realize what you just said? Diana told you who YOU like. You don't even know that for yourself?" She said with confidence, both of her eyebrows raising

"We all pretty much know. Ironically you're the only one who doesn't" she uttered so I widened my eyes at her statement. Really? Me? I'm the one left out with my own feelings? Can I be more dumber than I can be?

"You seemed like you're having a cold feet Lis. You're not even getting married yet. Come on, class is over" Jisoo said dragging me out of the room

We're here at my house again, studying. Or more like just hanging out? But I'm motivated to study well this time. Damn. I need to do good because I'm handling the MNSI now

They're watching a movie now in the living room so I just settled with studying here on the kitchen table. I can really see them from here. Well our house was built that way

"Don't you want to join them?" This girl in front of me said

"I'm fine here. You don't have to be here. You can go there you know" I responded

"But I wanna stare at you" she uttered mindlessly catching me off guard. I cleared my throat so it won't seem like I'm flustered

"That's just creepy, Jen" I said that made her chuckle

"Well if creepy does work on you, then I'm creepy" she said making me smile. It just doesn't make sense sometimes how this is the same Jennie I was arguing with everyday before

"But seriously tho, have some rest for a while. You've been doing much. In your studies and in the company"

"But I need to. There's no one else to do this for myself but me" I responded truthfully. Lately I really feel pressured. Well no one's actually pressuring me its just that I want to give my best. Its what my dad left me

I turned to my studies again but then suddenly I felt arms around me

"Rest for a while" she uttered

"But Jen----"

"Just 5 minutes" she said cutting me off

I was sitting on a chair and she's standing while hugging me. I'm not really used to this. My body actually stiffened naturally with her actions and maybe she felt that

She pushed my head gently towards her chest to rest comfortably but instead I contradicted it by lifting my head to look at her only to meet her angry eyes, so I just went back on resting my head on her chest, so that I won't see that glare again. Geez. Alright I'll rest

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