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Lisa's POV

Loud music keeps on playing in the background that every beat drop reflects in my beating heart

So I went to where the music wasn't that loud ----- the counter. Where the bartender is my friend

"Oh hey Lis! It's been a while" he greeted me

"Tell me about it. I've been pretty busy lately" I responded

"So you back to hunt some chick?"

"Shut up Bam. I'm tired of it"

"Ohhhhhhhh. Is the great Lalisa Manoban finally tied up now?"

"No gosh. What thoughts are running in that tiny brain of yours"

And there, he just laughed at me

Bam and I became close ever since I've been a regular in this bar

Oh and he knows about Somi. This bar has been my safe haven before as I drank to forget for a while

So yeah the rest is history

"But seriously what happened?" He asked while giving me my usual drink

"I don't know, things have been.... uhm weird lately?" I responded and he just looked at me like waiting for me to continue

"Cause as you've known, I've been transferred schools, met these two girls....."

"Oh Jennie and Chaeyoung?" He cut me off

"Yeah, them and those two have been driving me crazy"


"Bam, I tell you they're insane. One sec they're being nice to me then in just a snap, they're angry"

"And oh! Chaeyoung! I've told you, she's such a sweet girl, but dude she slapped me! Its Chae, Bam! It's Chae!"

I poured out my heart telling him what's happening and there's just Bam, laughing his ass off

Then he stopped and looked at me

"You done?" I asked then he laughed again. This asshole

I was about to punch him but then he defended himself

"Okay okay I'll stop now hahaha. But for the record, whatever it is, I think you deserve that slap" and I acted again to punch him

"Gosh Lis chill hahaaha. Another drink?" And I just nodded my head

"But maybe they just like you" he added


"Both of them" he seriously said

"That's impossible Bam, they both hate me" then he gave me another shot of drink

"Ok then can I ask why you were slapped by the sweet Chaeyoung?"

"We were at the bar that time celebrating because we won at the festival, she was drunk. Actually Jennie and her. And I was just quietly and peacefully doing my thing in the dance floor when they both came and slapped me" I stopped to drink

"Well I kinda expected that from Jennie, she looks like someone who's just willing to slap me for free. But what shocked me is Chaeyoung" I added

"By doing your thing, you mean flirting?"

"Uhm yes?" I responded then he took a deep breath. Did I do something wrong?

"Maybe you just think that they hate you because those were just their actions that was embedded to you. But you didn't see the little things. Even now all you remembered was them slapping you. But you didn't even question the reason behind it"

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