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Jennie's POV

I woke up and instantly checked my surroundings. I smiled at the sight. Lisa is still here beside me, sleeping peacefully

So it wasn't a dream. I thought to myself

I carefully moved myself to go to the bathroom but maybe because of Lisa's sharp senses, my movement didn't escape her even though she's asleep

"You awake?" She uttered still with her eyes half closed

"Yup. Just sleep. I'll just go to the bathroom" she just nodded at what I said

When I got back, well she did sleep again. I just shook my head lightly with a smile plastered on my face on how a heavy sleeper she is. It makes my heart flutter just watching her sleep peacefully. It makes me want to protect her just how she have always protected me

I looked outside and it was still raining. But thankfully no thunders this time

My thought was interrupted when I heard a woman whining outside

"Marco, have you seen your daughter?" Oh so it is Lisa's mom and probably talking to her husband

"I don't know. Her room?" Marco responded

"I just checked, she isn't there"

"Well, maybe she didn't come home?"

"Why won't your daughter come home?!"

"I don't know?" Marco hesitantly said

"God Marco, is that all you know? That you don't know?!" She's really pissed now

"Well what am I suppose to do? I really don't know!"

I'm silently laughing inside the room with their conversation. Lisa is very similar to her father. At least that's what I observe. They don't know how to hide their emotions. You'll openly see if they're happy, sad, clueless or whatsoever. Basically they're simple minded

I looked at Lisa again in adoration as I think of these things

Well, I like her like that. I giggled at my own thought

I decided to come out to tell Aunt Chitthip that Lisa is just here sleeping so she'll stop freaking out and to save Uncle Marco

I opened the door and both their heads turned to me

I noticed Uncle Marco's face first. He raised both his eyebrow accompanied with widened eyes but with amused look on his face then he gave a smirk. I don't even know what he's thinking right now

Then there's Aunt Chitthip

"Jennie? Why are you here? Is Lisa with you?" She bombarded me with questions

"Uhm first, yes Lisa is with me. She's actually inside, sleeping. And I'm here because I think I got drunk last night and Lisa has no choice but to bring me here" I said truthfully

"Well Lisa's improving. She didn't even had a chance with Somi before. Hahahaha!" Marco stated

"Marco!" And then Aunt Chitthip again giving her husband an earful

Somi? It really sounds familiar. Have I heard that name somewhere?

My train of thoughts was interrupted again as Lisa's mom spoke

"Well I'm glad you're both okay. But its still raining honey. Why don't you come down for a while and eat breakfast?" She said softly

"Should I wake Lisa up?"

"No need. Just let her sleep" she smilingly responded

But suddenly she changed her demeanor

"And you! No breakfast for you!" She said as she turned to Marco

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