"Well go on tell me," I say.

"Fine uh well, it all started after you blacked out,"


I could hear the screams and moans. It's the usual annoying sounds of drunk teens at a party. I was excited to come here, but now it's getting kind of boring.

"Ace," I hear someone shout from the kitchen.

He ran over there in a heartbeat. My guess is that was probably Mia who just shouted his name. He would do anything for her.

I walk into the kitchen and Mia is passed out on the floor. However Jordan and Ace look like they are going to cut each-others throats out.

"Ace, he is not worth it," I say as I shoot Jordan a glare. I grab Ace's arm and lead him out of the crowded area.

"What are you doing Grace," Ace says.

"What the hell was that over there and also what happened to Mia," I say.

"It was nothing she just blacked out and had too much to drink, I guess," Ace says.

"Well, you need to" I stop in the middle of my sentence because I hear shouting coming from the kitchen.

What could be happening now?

All the taking was people just shouting random numbers. They were naming amounts of money, trying to buy Mia when she blacked out.

"She is not an object so stop naming a price," Ace shouts.

"Is she yours, because you didn't make that clear," Jordan says.

"No, but-" Ace was cut off

"But, if she isn't yours then she free dibs, and that also means a free fuck," Jordan says.

"It doesn't matter if she is mine or belongs to someone else, you can't keep bidding on her just because you want a free fuck," Ace says.

"Everyone else wants to so join in," the crowd starts to cheer. "You can too, but you can't because dear old mommy and daddy aren't here to give you money," Jordan says.

It is getting to Ace the pain and memories of his and Jordan's past. Jordan and him used to be best friends, they even played on the same basketball team but something happened which made Jordan switch schools.

Ace has money, lots of it but never mentions that he has lots because it is something he doesn't like to discuss. He would always buy me, Alexis, and Blake something nice for our birthday, Christmas, and sometimes any other holiday. It was the thought that counts.

"When was the last time they came to check up on you, oh yeah about three years ago, you don't have a family or money so back off," Jordan says.

"You know what Jordan, fuck off," I say.

"Gracie! I'm surprised to see Ace here still has a friend, come back for round two," Jordan says. The crowd of people around us gasps.

"Jordan Fuck off, and Ace grab Mia and let's get the hell out of here," I say.

Jordan gives a nasty look when Ace leaves with Mia there are some cheers and boos.


"Oh wow," I was startled.

"That's it that's all you have to say, Mia, you could of gotten seriously raped last night. What would have happened if Ace didn't go to the party," Alexis says.

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