Kiba: "I...I have to destroy them all...FOR THERE SAKE."

Kiba's eyes lite with burning vengeance, Arthur saw this and sighs to himself. Putting the holy blade away.

Arthur: "Sorry Kiba but I can't kill you nor can I let a young man like you fall to this path."

Kiba: "Why put your sword away fight me with it. Or you-"

Arthur: "Kiba I've seen my fair share of fighting and such and you remind me of Mordred." 

Kiba: "You mean the knight who killed you?"

Arthur: "Yes the knight who was told to be my son."

Kiba: "What about him."

Arthur: "Kiba if you keep falling down this path you will meet a ending where someone, you know and care about would put you down."


Arthur: "Tell then Kiba will are you doing it for yourself or for them?"

Kiba: "For-"

Arthur: "Before you answer think about it for a while. Once you get your answer then face me, I can sense greatness in you, but for now our blades won't meet until then."

Kiba: "Wait come back here and face me damnit."

Arthur looks back and mutters under his breathe.

Arthur: "O-wind."

Sending Kiba flying backwards, hitting his head against a wall knocking him out. While two people watch from afar Vail and Azazel.

Azazel: "So that's the real deal blade can you take him?"

Vali with his helmet on smiles to himself, knowing that he found three people who can give him a fight. The teacher Y/n and this knight plus Issei.

Azazel: "Seems like your happy."

Vali: "I'm going to speak to that knight."

He away towards where he saw the knight going to.

Vali: "Hello holy knight."

As Vali plants his feet to where the knight was.

Arthur: "Your new and you seem to be a dragon."

Vali: "Oh?"

Arthur: "We both have dragon blood in our veins, but you have something in the mix not sure what."

Vali: "Don't worry about it, I'm looking for a worthy fighter and there is three here and your other option."

Arthur: "Sorry no I'm honored but I've got a bigger mission to do."

Vali goes for a sucker punch at the last moment Arthur moves to the left for a moment.

Arthur: "You people in this world can't take no for an answer."

Vali again attacks, Arthur was getting fed up, and strikes the dragon across the chest. As he did the dragon thought he was able to mess with the swords size and weight.

But he still got nearly cut.

Vali: "How?"

Arthur: "Easy there are somethings that can't be change. I sensed it as well, you can change the size of living things and objects, but this blade is protected. Also I've died a long time ago, so in a way I'm not alive."

Vali not knowing this he tries to attack him again, thinking that if he can get a hold of him. He can cut this knight's power in half.

But Vali does not know that his knight is being powered by something far more powerful than he is. Vali tries to use his half dimension, but the knight does not let him, for he jumps in the air striking the dragon to the earth.

Vali coughing up a bit of blood, gasping for air.

Vali: "Finally a worthy opponent, now I can go even further beyond."

Arthur: "No for I will put you down."

Arthur sensed great magical energy building up from him. He runs away from the city, trying to make sure this dragon follows him.

The dragon does so flying after him, but this knight was quicker than he looked. As he made it to a mountain with a bunch of trees.

The dragon was looking from the sky trying to find his prey. Hoping he can kill him for he found someone that he thinks is his equal. What he does not know this knight was getting ready for something a powerful attack.

Arthur: "I don't use this often but you are threat to the world itself."

The world itself the city everything, golden sparks were coming. Like it was a fairy tale for the knight in shining armor slaying the evil dragon. Vali sensed this endless amount of magical engery.

It felt like he was being attacked by the world itself he looks upon the sight from where the energy is coming from for once in his life. Vali felt and saw death Vali wanting nothing more than to face a powerful enemy, he knows his time might be running.

 Vali felt and saw death Vali wanting nothing more than to face a powerful enemy, he knows his time might be running

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The knight let's out a mighty roar that can been heard, the light shining upon the world. Everyone seeing this light it was sight to see but a few were scared to face such a light again.

Y/n: "Oh shit."

BB: "Uh Oh."

Kama: "...Fuck."

Vali takes the attack the, he was barely able to survive due to his armor and his ability to cut the attack down in half. He nearly died in this moment.

Arthur: "Next time you face me I won't hold back, for you nearly hurt everyone in the city. Do it again and I won't be so nice."

As the king of knights walks from a busted up and bleeding Vali laying in his own pool of blood, looking up to the darky sky raining hitting him. Vali smiles to himself knowing he can finally see the world as it is.

Vali wanting nothing more than to cause more battles with the king knight and soon to fight Y/n at some point.

(I know Y/n was not in this one, but it good to take a break from her for a moment. Just to see wat this king of knights can do. Sorry if I'm not giving Kiba a break but I think it was best he met who this knight was. To show how far he is out classed, and you might be wondering why did I let Vali survive reasons plot. Now enjoy this meme.)


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