Chapter 3

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A couple hours later, Mateo awoke with a jolt when Basil picked him up. Although there was no ill intention behind it, he still couldn't help but feel fear in the hand. He curled up and wrapped his tail around Basil's finger to avoid falling off as he shook. "Something the matter?" He asked the tiny person, who just shook his head. "Right, well... you're sleeping with Leo tonight."
Mateo froze at the name and whimpered softly. He couldn't believe he was acting this way. Once a tough, brave soldier, now degraded to less than a weak, feeble bug. Basil placed him on Leo's bed and walked out, glancing at Mateo sadly.
"I'm sorry if I've done anything to upset you... I just..." Basil sighed. "I'm sorry for making you not want to talk to me." He said before turning away and closing the door with a look of concern on his face.

Seeing Basil this way made Mateo curse at himself angrily. Why did Leo have to ruin this? Why did giants have to come and make everyone pets? He lay down as Leo came over, jabbing him in the sides every so often when he tried to fall asleep. He didn't understand why this was his destiny, to be tormented by someone and then make the person who cared about him was too much for Mateo. He curled up into a ball with discomfort as Leo fell asleep next to him. What had he done to deserve this?

A couple hours of sleep later, and it was already morning time. Mateo groaned as he sat up in the bed, watching around as Leo was still asleep. This could be his chance to talk to Basil! He quickly scurried out of the bed and rushed along the floor as quickly as he could, making his way to Basil's room. It did take quite a lot of effort to climb up the bed, but he made it eventually. Basil stretched and awoke groggily. "Oh... Hi." He grumbled. Mateo didn't even know where to begin. He had so much to tell Basil.
"Basil... I..." He began, fumbling around with his tail, pushing it left and right anxiously. "I kind of... Well... Okay. Leo threatened me that if I talked to you then he would kill me!!" He admitted, shutting his eyes, not wanting to see any reactions of anger. Instead, he felt a soft finger running along his back. "He..." Basil murmured in a soft voice, stroking Mateo. He couldn't help but purr under the touch.

It was only then that Basil had understood what Mateo had told him.


Mateo jumped and stopped purring instantly, backing away. "H-he... U-u-umm..." Was all that bothered to come out of his mouth.

Basil looked furious. Giants always looked so intimidating to Mateo when they were angry, it was like they could destroy buildings and villages, it made him shudder with horror even thinking about it.

Basil stood up, coming at his full height and storming off. "Basil, wait no!" Mateo tried to protest but Basil had already disappeared around the corner. He sighed in defeat and quickly climbed down the bed, rushing as fast as his legs would carry him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Like something bad was going to happen to him now that Leo would probably know he had talked to Basil. Dread clouded his mind as he carefully took his steps, walking over to the sound of shouting and yelling. He peered through the doorway and clasped his hand over his ears, his tail going haywire with distress. Mateo could see the hatred in Leo's eyes as he shouted back at Basil, who was determined to stick up for Mateo.

Mateo felt grateful, but he knew that this good feeling was short-lived.
'If you even think to talk to Basil, you won't live to see another day.'
Those words raced across his mind like a million voices overlapping. He sighed and slumped down. What would happen to him now? He was so scared he was shaking. He only caught a bit of their conversation.

"How could you do that to him?"

"I bought him. He's my pet, not yours, Basil."

"Well you clearly need to learn how to treat your 'pets', Leo."

"I won't let you take him away from me."

"I might as well take him if that's how you're treating him when I'm gone!"

"I was only joking. Calm down."

He couldn't help but feel anger and pain at hearing those last words. He's lying. He thought to himself. Leo was lying and Mateo knew it. He just knew it, deep down in his gut, but he also acknowledged how helpless he was in this situation.

"You were joking?"


"Listen Leo. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But if I hear any more threats sent to our, my friend, then I'm taking him."

And with that, Basil stormed out the room, leaving Mateo standing in the doorway of a very mad looking Leo.

"What did I tell you, Huh? What did I tell you?!" He hissed, pinning Mateo to the ground with his finger. "Leo! Please... I-i can't breathe..."
He pleaded and pleaded, but that only made Leo smirk.
"Tell me what you think I should do to you."
Mateo stayed silent, afraid of everything around this giant. He knew that no matter what, something bad would happen with Leo and him. Their relationship already wasn't great, but now it took a turn for the worse.

"You know what I think?" Leo snickered.

With a gulp, Mateo couldn't help but ask. "Yes?"

"I think... You should get a punishment."

Mateo's heart dropped. His stomach churned. His chest heaved. What would his fate be?

Leo slammed the door shut, sending waves of terror to rush through Mateo's body, causing him to shiver.

It was only then that he had heard the dreaded  words he had always hoped to never hear throughout his lifetime.

"Come on now... I'm hungry."

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