Kr : Oh yeas I remember but I want ice cream too

Tripura curled her lips and came to him

T : Have anything you want aaj puri chut hain okay momma will be back soon bye

Then they both bid bye to tripura

At rainbow bus stop Karan was waiting for tripura but he was still unsure wheather she would come or not but there was little ray of hope that he couldn't deny so he was continuously checking the time and looking at road

Near about 9pm finally tripura reached to her destination but when she was about to pay the fare she saw the lipstick inside her bag

And that made her remember about Karan.. when he told her lipstick looks good on her so she should use it often

She hold herself for a moment then imidiately hold the phone screen infront and applied the lipstick the she smiled

After got down from the car she started walking forward and her eyes were looking for Karan Then after going some distance suddenly she heard from behind

K : looking for me ?

Tripura's heart skipped a beat She looked back

T : When will you stop behaving like a stalker?

Karan laughed loudly

K : You still think I am a stalker and despite of that fact you have taken the risk of meeting me at night wow

T : You invited me I thought it would be rude if

K : Yeah I know you trust I don't have to hear that from you

Tripura scoffed off

T : Seems you know a lot about me ?

K : Yes wanna know ? Anyway let's go have the dinner first then I will take you somewere more beautiful than that place

T : Yeah let's go Then

K : Well I know a place nearby they serves the best grilled pork belly and noodles wanna have that

T : Anything you want but on one condition I will pay

K : Oh my why didn't you tell me that then I should have book a 5star course us

Tripura faked a smiled

T : Are you done so we can leave

While having the dinner a older women came there and she said

OW : Do you wanna try our local wine it's our in-house special today

Tripura was not sure about that idea so she looked at Karan

OW : Dont think too much just have a sip then decide

Just then she poured some for both of them after having a few drinks and finished the dinner they both left the place

Tripura was feeling a little drowsy so was Karan but they continued to walk then Karan asked

K : Can you walk a little more the place is not so far

Tripura was occupied with some thoughts she didn't replied so Karan stopped and hold her shoulder

K : Hey are you alright? If not then we can go back let's go

T : No please let's walk more don't you wanna let me see the place ?

K : Can you manage?

T : I am just fine Let's go

After walking for 10minutes more they reached at the seaside and the place was so quite only the sound of waves were echoing inside the ear and soothing the heart the night sky was filled with start and the moon that was all alone and lonely just like two of them

K : isn't this beautiful?

Tripura looked at him and nodded her head

T : Let's go and sit somewhere

K : No wait I have something for you

T : For me

K : Wait a seccond

Then he quickly took out a small box and flipped on it was a beautiful necklace inside that

T : Karan I don't think I can take this please I am sorry but

Then she left from there and went to sit nearby Karan was felt a little dejected but he still stayed calm and went to sit next to her

K : Actually it's fine may be I went a little far I am sorry if it's making you uncomfortable but you know what just the way weavers are so natural to the sea thinking of you is that natural to me I can't deny

Hearing that tripura looked at in his eyes and that was so different from usual she couldn't able to hold herself so to avoid that she quickly stood up and started walking

Karan couldn't understand that but after walking some distance tripura suddenly turned arround and called him

T : Karan come here

So karan rush to her

T : Give that to me

Karan beamed

K : Sure ?

T : I am taking this because I just want to appreciate your sincererity towards me that's all okay

Karan nodded his head and took the necklace out

K : Can I put it on ?

T : You wanna do that ?

K : If you allow

T : Okay 

Then he put the necklace on to her and suddenly hugged her out of the blue she got so surprised when he did that it was so unexpected for her so she was dithering to hold him back but her heart was pushing her so hard to accept his embrace so she placed her hand on his back and they hugged each other

K : Happy birthday miss nagrajan

And that moment a car was coming from the opposite direction and passed them very quickly so they got really astounded and moved aside

K : Hey what the hell is this are you bloody blind or something bastard

T : Stop Karan don't shout its mid night already..may be they couldn't see us let's go back home

K : are you okay?

T : Yes

Then Karan hold her hand and they started walking together

My Mister Perfect Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz