"A Lost Soul Freed"

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Alix's POV.

'Man this is it, I am certainly gonna get her ' I thought desperately

Then.. Suddenly, an gold Valkyrie then appeared.

'Please be her, Please be her!'
I then thought really desperately.

Then I Got her, Herrscher of Finality.

I suddenly shouted "YES! After Grinding and grinding. I finally got her!" As I was shouting, my stomach then growl.

"Man... I was very excited about getting her, that I didn't realize I was starving." I talked to myself.

Then, I walked to my kitchen, opening the fridge to see if there was food, but there wasn't any food inside the fridge.

I then talked to myself "Well this is gonna be an tiring day" As I ready myself, leaving my apartment, then walking towards the nearest convenience store.

Time skip: Involving an chibi of Alix paying the groceries.

After I got my groceries, I exited the convenience store. When I was walking back to my apartment building, I then saw a road with a pressuring aura.

I was confused 'I swear that road wasn't menacing before or is it just me?' I thought confusing me.'I don't care if the road is menacing let's just get across, I am literally starving!' I thought seriously.

I didn't realize what was coming towards me.


Before I saw what made that noise, It was too late. As my bone cracked and an instant pain engulfed my body, as I flown and crushed land on a wall Then everything went black.

"Hello my child, are you awake?" An unfamiliar voice then said. "Hugh" I said painly. "Where am -" Before I finished my sentence, I then saw a white figure standing before me.

"Thank goodness, I really thought I didn't save you" The mysterious white figure then said.

"Who are you?" I said confused.
"My apologies, my child I am what you mortals called God" God then said.

"Then, God where am i? And aren't I supposed to be dead!?" I said shocked and confused.

"This is my domain although, you an mortal can't comprehend my domain, as you can be crushed by gravity 10,000 more stronger than your gravity on earth, so I made my domain empty so you can withstand the gravity here" God said.

"As for your second question, although you look alive, that is just your soul, while your physical body is on earth dead." God answered.

"So I am really dead huh? Wait! I didn't even tried HoFi yet!" I screamed realizing that now I am dead, I can't try HoFi or even get Herrscher of origin.

"Have you calmed down my child?" God then said. "Yeah... So I really have to accept that I can't try HoFi" I said sadly.

"How about I give you another chance?" God said surprising me.
"Wait what?" I said confused if I was hearing that wrong.

"I said I will give you another chance" God said conforming that my hearing is alright. Then God said again"Do you accept or not" gettinge back to reality.

"I accept!" I immediately said. "Then its decided, I will give you 3 wishes to which world you want to go, what power and weapon you want in that world, and what do you want to bring into that world, whether its in an game or an anime, choose wisely." God said

"I wished to go Honkai Impact!" I said confidently. "Why choose that cruel world over anything?" God questions about the world I was about to go.

"Because I want to experience and become an valkyrie and help anyone that needs any help!" I said proudly to myself and stupid, that I knew that would get me seriously killed.

"Very well then. What about the second wish?" God then surprisingly said, "How about I get the judgment of shamash!" I said surprising God.

"Are you sure about this? That weapon is very destructive and very dangerous to people, honkai, and even your body!" God said very concerned about this choice of weapon.

"It's fine, even I can't wield it because of the intense the heat of the blade, so in order to unleash it's full power you need an body so cold to withstand it right?" I said not listening to God worrying.
"Yes, that's why you should never wield it!" God said still concerned of my well being.

"I can't have you dying because of the weapon you will certainly unleash it's full power, but i can't stop you, so I will add an bonus because of that you have an very cold body that surpassed even Kevin temperature, but instead of staying like that forever your body will automatically activiate it while using the judgement of shamash" God said

"Oh... Heh thanks I guess" I laughed nevously, "I really have to do this bonus because of your choices" God sighed, because he can't stop my choices since, it's already fulfilled automatically.

"Ok what about your third wish?" God gave up on persuading me to change my second wish. "How about I bring my honkai account in that world!" I said very confident

"Is that what you want?" God said surprisingly, as my honkai impact account was pretty much just having the world below you even though I'm a F2P player.

"I am pretty certain about my choices" I said seriously about the choices I will make in the future.

"Very well then, I'll sent you there in a second, so please be patient, and not be reckless about the weapon you chose, but this is enough talking, I wish you good luck Alix." God said one more time
Until darkness engulfed my sight, as I was slowly engulfed by the darkness. I said one last sentence "Thank you God".

Sup author or paithea here, I'm a new writer, so don't expect that I am good writer since my first language is not English, so expect some writing mistakes and wrong grammer.

As how I got this idea, is when I wrote the prolouge, since I have a ton of motivation to be able to write this story.

Btw as for the updates depends on how much free time I have or based on my mood or just lazy. But there might be an chance there will be double updates, if I still have the motivation to do it.

by Author/Paithea.

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