10. Your Alive

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Hiccups POV

2 weeks later

They had an Armada, a whole army of hunters and so many Singetails that followed their command. We got captured by Viggo and he was asking questions and if I didn't answer him he would punish me or Toothless. Toothless he is in good condition his tail wasn't even broken but he had a few scratches I can't say the same for me. I wouldn't answer the questions and that resulted in punishment. I'm bruised, bleeding and can hardly stand I'm so dizzy from blood loss and can't think straight but I managed to get a note to Astrid I hope she gets it. I'm going back now and hope that Viggo didn't attack our home.

Astrids POV

The Berkians left a few days ago I told them we would be allies from now on but I can't leave my home and I need to wait for Hiccup to return I hope he is okay he was supposed to be back a week ago but he isn't. I have searched but it's hard to go far when you have two young kids who have so much energy. I hope he returns soon.

2 days later...

I JUST GOT A TERROR MAIL FROM HICCUP!! I'm so glad he is alive. I opened the letter as quick as I could and read it.

Dear Astrid,

I hope Viggo didn't attack you. I'm making my way back home but the mission was a trap and I thought I could get out but I couldn't and got caught by Viggo and his men and... I don't want to write it down. I'm nearly back but I love you and the kids and I'm safe for now

Love Hiccup.

I nearly fell to my knees crying but at least he was alive.

Hiccups POV

I crashed on the beach at home and tried to get up but I lost so much blood I couldn't move so I collapsed back down. I felt Toothless hide me in his wings then roar. I then blacked out.

Astrids POV

I heard a roar come from the beach and it sounded like a Nightfury I ran and yelled "kids your dad's home." They followed me and we went to the beach and I saw a black dragon lying there I then started saying "pls be alive pls be alive" I jumped down and saw all the cuts all over Toothless and panicked he looked at me and opened his wings I told the kids to go back to the house i didn't want them to see this. Hiccup was lying there bleeding and bruised and not moving I grabbed him and pulled him close and hugged him. I then heard him talk and say "Ast...rid" I looked at him and smiled and said "your alive thank Thor" he smiled back but then shut his eyes again.

Hiccups POV

I woke up and saw I was bandaged up I was about to get up but then was tackled down by Toothless, Zephyr and Nuffink. I smiled got up it was painful but Toothless supported me. I looked and saw my wife crying I limped over and hugged her she cried on my shoulder and soon we slid to the floor and both Stormfly and Toothless came and wrapped their wing around us and Zephyr and Nuffink join in on a hug too.

Hi this whole story so far has been written while walking around Sydney and on a Plane so I will go through and edit it more when I get home to Brisbane.

Word count: 568

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