☾☾☾ chapter 14: reliable

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"oh my god, jisung!"

excitement swirled with relief had shrilled jeongin's bones upon seeing the chestnut enter his bedroom when it should've been minju the one to serve his breakfast at this hour. 

as jisung responded to his greet with a side grin showcasing his squirrel-like teeth, and cherub cheeks, he stepped inside to reveal a change in his usual ragged clothing. 

jeongin's eyes visibly bulged on eyeing him head to toe, questioning if reality was real. truth be told, it certainly was foreign upon viewing the latter in attire which wasn't all ragged, dusted and worn out. he could recall the time jisung had complimented him- but now, it all felt like a lie, because he himself looked outstanding in the uniform the maids at the mansion worked at. 

his perfectly fluffed hair, to his neatly pressed uniform. from jeongin's point of view, the blonde looked far better than he could ever try, especially since his waist wasn't as slender and malnourished as his. the blonde looked human, and much different to an object deprived of it's rights. 

entering with a graceful twirl, the chestnut placed down the tray of fodder and embraced his friend in a side-hug, which jeongin willingly squished against. 

"is this really happening?" the brunette questioned as they pulled away, excitement was an understatement to describe what he felt. he just hoped that the blonde's uniform, his smile- all of these were an indication of what felt like a promotion. 

"surprisingly, yes." jisung brushed the stray strand of his dark hair sticking up in different directions, "i can't believe it myself.." 

"i really did get a promotion!"

finally. jeongin thought. despite jisung getting a promotion out of those worn out cells would barely be affecting him, he was still glad to see one of his friends receive something merry. besides, his life was thoroughly screwed in ways which he could not detangle, but it didn't cancel out the happiness he felt on seeing jisung being nourished with the treatment he deserved. 

"this is great news!" he sat up straight, shifting his legs to a more comfortable position while taking the blonde's hands in his, "does this mean we have more chances of meeting?" 

thinking back, jisung loosened the grip of his anxious clutch as his smile grew short when the question had been asked, "i-i don't know about that.." he began, his flustered state soon infected jeongin's as disappointment laced within him. 

"but, i'm sure there's more chances!"

hearing the blonde's attempt of staying positive was enough for his distress to dissolve once again, this was the exact reason why he craved his presence. 

"so," he quickly decided to avert the topic, "tell me what's going on."

patting the mattress, the blonde took a seat where the brunette suggested him to as he readied himself for the venting out he craved.

"about bang chan," he started, his stomach already starting to churn in resentment, "i'm pretty sure love is enough of a feeling to weaken him. in fact, one of his maids even mentioned he was no where qualified in romance."

"that's a good sign!"

"it is, but there's only one flaw to my plans.." picking at the dry skin on the side of his nails, he kept his head hung low in embarrassment, "i've never experienced love myself.."

a soft chuckle escaped jisung's parted lips, as his hand stretched out to stroke the brunette's back, "is that the only problem your facing?" 

feeling quite inferior, he felt insecure on revealing how immature he was. though he may have been a year or two younger than jisung, the chestnut haired seemed way more experienced in life than him. 

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