chapter 4- Safety first!

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⚠️ mature language, mention of PTSD, mention of fighting ⚠️

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⚠️ mature language, mention of PTSD, mention of fighting ⚠️

Your pov-
I was walking with Hina, Aoi and Haru. They did a bunch of shopping and bonding together. I feel as if my position is being threatened. As they laughed at something on Aoi's phone. I watched as Aoi and Haru looked at the time, decided to wave me and Hina off. We continue to walk as we saw Takamichi ahead of us, I saw Hina run to him.

"I can never tell Hina about this!"

"Can't tell me what?" I got close enough to hear the commotion to continue.

"Wahhhhhh! Hina what are you doing here!?"

"I just came back from cram school and went shopping with Aoi,haru, and m/n for a bit." She said as she stared at him.


"Takemichi-kun you've been acting real cold lately."

"Um about that...I have no memories of it."

"What are you talking about? Today your adult Takemichi-kun."


"That day we watched the fireworks together on my roof you suddenly panicked and went home. And at school you've been short with me too." Takemichi looked to the side with disappointed look on his face.

"Yet today you have that gentle expression... Takemichi your phone is ringing."

"Hm?oh! Draken-kum , Hello."

"Yo Takemicchi what are you doing right now?"

"Um well I'm actually-"

"Well whatever! Come to musashi shrine on tama river. We're getting everyone together." He hung up the phone and I watched as the two were basically having a dramatic love scene and decided to walk behind them. I looked back at my flip phone to check messages. I saw a message from Mikey saying they have a gang meeting. I smiled at his text, I decided to text back to him.

';) I'll be there!'

'hehe :)~'

I smiled at his dumb response from my text. We finally arrived at the meeting spot where a bunch of guys came on there bikes. I yawned at how ugly they were up close.


"You're being to loud asshole!" That guy look at me and grabbed me by the collar.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU GOTTA DEATH WISH!?" I knee him in the nuts.  He fell to the ground holding his nuts.

"I told you to shut the fuck up. You don't listen do you? I don't like people yelling right in my face. I can hear you! Dumbass!" I said looking down at this asshole.
A certain lilac boy caught wind of the conversation.

~~The Son of Yakuza~~ Yandere! Tokyo Revengers x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now