Character Info

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Name- Takamoto m/nFormer name: M/n Damien Morales

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Name- Takamoto m/n
Former name: M/n Damien Morales

Current age: 15 ½
Past age: 21
Future age: 25

Past Height- 5'10
Current height- 5'5
Future height- 5'7

Former personality: strict, harsh, blunt, sarcastic, cold-hearted,

Current personality: Cold-hearted with new people, Nice, flirty, funny, and sarcastic

Old Childhood- Father had killed your mother suspecting she was working with police. He was jealous and angry of one police officer that was taking his beloved wife attention away from him. He killed her even though he didn't want to. So he made sure he had an audience telling his sons and daughters that there mother was a traitor in the family. M/n had rushed to his mother side before his father shot his mom. At the time m/n was only 8 years old. The guards ripped him away from his mom as he cried, when he looked around none of his siblings were crying for there mom. It wasn't normal... He wished he was normal... A long time had past after and m/n learned to only harbor hate in his heart for his family. He only really like his twin sister...who was somewhat normal. They became close but wary of each other. M/n wanted to trust her but knew she would use him for what he was. She on the other hand didn't want to trust him because he was to weak in her eyes. She knew if she got attached to a her brother the family would take that away from her. None the less they were always secretly sharing stuff with each other and found time to hangout. They talk for what seem like hours. When m/n died that night the only person to mourn his death was her. She would come visit his grave from time to time. She missed m/n because he knew how to make her feel better in time of need.

New childhood: M/n was reborn into Tokyo revengers. He didn't understand why but he was happy to get the family he wanted. His parents on the other hand looked, sounded, and very much had the first names of his old parents but they were happier and normal. When m/n was born he had these scratch mark on his back as if they were tattoo on him from his past life. His parents were concerned about it, the doctor only said that it could have been a birth defect. His parents were concerned about it but they didn't want to worry him about being different so they didn't make a big deal about it. As m/n grew up he would start to have panic attacks and PTSD episodes. His parents took him to the doctor as soon as possible worried for their son. This is around the time he meet his two best friends and only told them of his past life. They didn't believe him at first but they finally believed him when some weird adult try to take Aoi. M/n ended up putting that man in the hospital. They were only 7 years old, how was that possible? They wanted to be strong just like m/n but how could they? That's when m/n proposed the question 'would you guys like to learn how to fight?' they nodded in agreement. That was a start to a great friendship. They soon learned about m/n PTSD episodes and panic attacks. They would always help him calm down and kept him safe. He really thought they were more family than his past family. M/n finally told his parents about why he had PTSD and panic attacks. ' I remember my past life...I know it sounds crazy but before I was abused and made to kill. Now, I'm free but with a price of mentally suffering. I'm sorry you got a defective son.' he cried as his parents sighed and hugged there son. 'm/n, your mom and I believe you. And you're NOT DEFECTIVE! You are unique, wonderful, and a good kid. It would have been hard to believe but me and your mother are other worlds too. I wanted a family, because I lost mine in a fire and ended up with killing myself. Your mother came to this world because she was killed by her husband. We will love you no matter what!' m/n was shocked his mom could really be his mom from his past life. They sat there and discussed it for a while. His mother was really his mother from a past life. She hugged and kissed him while telling him she missed him the most. They were truly a happy family, m/n finally had a safe home.

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