Chapter 3 : A Bioengineered Menace Vs a Super Saiyan

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Earlier that day

Trunks : "You wanted to see me?"

Nezu : "Yes, please come in."

Upon walking into the room, he'd see All Might.

Trunks : "Oh hey All Might."


Trunks : "Anyways, what'd you need?"

Nezu : "I would like for you too go to the USJ with Aizawa and 13."

Trunks : "And why'd you choose me? Why not All Might or someone with experience?"

Nezu : "During the break in yesterday, Aizawa had told me you were able to deescalate the situation with your quirk, so I want you to watch over the students when you arrive and save them if they fall from somewhere high or something like that."

Trunks : "Got it."

Nezu : "Alright, the bus will be here shortly so get read-"

Trunks : "It's alright, I can just fly there."

All Might : "You can fly?!"
Nezu : "You can fly?!"

Trunks : "Yeah, just tell me where it is then I'll just zoom over there."

Nezu then told Trunks where the facility was.

Trunks : "All right, see you later Nezu!"

Trunks then tied his hair back, then went out and zoomed towards the facility.

While flying on the road, Trunks passes a white blur.

Trunks : "Huh? Wonder what that was."

Trunks turns around and dashes at the white figure

Trunks : "Hey! Who are you and why are you out here!"

Trunks appears right infront of the unknown figure, but it turns out,

Iida : "T-Trunks?!"

Trunks : "Uhhh, Iida right? What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be in the USJ?"

Iida : "Theres villains inside the building!"

Trunks : "What?! Shouldn't the alarms be working?!"

Iida : "Someone may have disabled it with an electric quirk."

Trunks : "Say no more, go and alert the main campus, I'll save everyone in the USJ!"

Trunks opened his aura and blasted towards the USJ

Then after 30 seconds, Trunks had finally arrived at the USJ.





The sound of the USJ doors made the students go into alert mode.

Sero : "Is Iida back?"

Sato : "No he left 2 minutes ago, unless he really is that fast, we might have another villain on our hands!"

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