Chapter 2: A Lerking Darkness, The USJ

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Trunks : "Guess I can explore the school."

Trunks would roam the halls, sometimes going to other classrooms to see what they're doing.

Then some time passes, Trunks is somewhat familiar of the school grounds.

Trunks : "So far everything seems cool."


Trunks : "What's the bell for?"

Then he saw students leaving classrooms, all walking the same direction as each other. He then spotted some people he recognized.

Trunks : "Hey!" He waved at 3 familiar students, Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida and Ochaco Uraraka.

Midoriya : "Hey, it's Trunks. Hi Trunks!"

Trunks would walk towards them.

Trunks : "Where you guys going right now?"

Uraraka : "Were getting lunch, wanna come with us?"

Trunks : "Sure, I can also learn more about you guys."

Iida : "And we can learn more about you, it is imperative that us students keep a healthy relationship with our teachers."

Trunks : "Your right, now let's get some food, I'm starving."

The 4 would walk into the cafeteria, Trunks would be amazed by it. It was big and it had a wonderful smell.

Trunks : "Wow, this looks and smells amazing!"

Midoriya : "Yep, let's go in line so we can wait for our food."

Trunks : "Got it."

As the 4 would get in line, they would get stares from some of the UA students.

Trunks was looking around uncomfortably until someone put their hand on his shoulder.

Trunks : "Woah!"

Trunks would turn to the person with widened eyes just to see,

Kaminari : "Woah man, you are jumpy. Just wanted to say hi, sorry for scaring you."

Trunks : "No it's alright, if anything it's my fault for kind of startling you."

Kaminari : "Well I don't wanna keep you, have an awesome rest of your day!"

Trunks : "Thank you."

Then Trunks waited until he got to the front of the line.

Trunks : "Heyo."

Lunch Rush : "Hmmm... are you the new teacher that Nezu told me about?"

Trunks : "How'd you know."

Lunch Rush : "You don't have a school uniform."

Trunks : "Good point, anyways what do you have."

Lunch Rush : "We have tons of options for you to pick, just tell me and I'll see if we have it."

Trunks : "Just some rice and beef please, if you have it of course."

Lunch Rush : "Of course, I'll whip it up for you right away!"

Trunks : "Thank you."

Trunks would move out of line, waiting for his food while the other 3 were ordering.

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