9 - Shoes Two Sizes Too Big

Start from the beginning

"Who said we were a team?" He asked, slightly raising his voice.

Emersyn was breathing heavily from impatience. "We have to find the hard drive, and we have to do that together, so, yes, unfortunately, Rogers, we are a team."

He remained silent and continued walking.

"I'm sure I don't have to explain what a team is to you," Emersyn said loudly, wanting an answer.

"No, you don't," Steve answered stiffly. "Now, tell me something actually useful. What is your plan exactly..?"

It took every fiber in her body to refrain from lashing out at Rogers again. Emersyn was so frustrated at his snarky and uncooperative comments. He hadn't even apologized, or shown any acknowledgment of what she spoke of. She got the impression that she was some rat in the mud that was so insignificant and so disgusting compared to Steve Rogers' grandeur. It was humiliating, and she hated him for it. Emersyn wanted to wipe that sly, smug expression off his face with a nasty punch. She had restrained herself from doing so, only for the greater good. They had to work together to get the hard drive and unravel this deceptive plot to avenge Fury. If the mission were not so important, Emersyn would not hesitate to ruin the "perfect" face of Captain America.

After taking several breaths to calm herself, Emersyn managed to describe the plan, still through gritted teeth. Steve would go with her to her car where she brought a change of clothes and "disguises". Since they did not escape quietly according to plan, they could not risk being recognized in public. S.H.I.E.L.D had labeled Emersyn and Steve as fugitives now, and would not stop the manhunt until they were caught. After changing clothes, Emersyn and Steve would meet with Natasha, who hopefully had obtained the hard drive. They would find a way to access it, discover what was on it, and stop whatever enemy was preventing them from doing so.

"Natasha's a part of this?" Rogers interrupted sternly. "I thought we weren't supposed to trust anyone."

Emersyn sighed and flashed him a fake smile. As if speaking to a child, she continued, "How about you just trust me, okay? Because I know what I'm doing and you don't have to question every choice I make, got it?"

Steve set his jaw and stared at her with flaming eyes. "I can't do this job if I don't understand why and how I'm doing it."

"That's why I'm literally here explaining it to you, stupid!" Emersyn hissed.

Steve was struggling to maintain his cool. "How can we trust Romanoff? Answer me that, can you?"

"Because she figured this whole thing out to begin with!" Emersyn snapped. "First, she saved me after Fury's death-"

"Saved you?" Steve interjected. "What do you-"

"Shut up." Emersyn spat. "Then, she figured out where the hard drive was-"

"What? How?"

"And came up with this whole idea in the first place, and sent me to go grab your stupid aa- butt." Emersyn paused and smiled sarcastically. "Sorry, I'll use my polite language in front of the Captain."

Steve showed no amusement, and let out an angry puff of breath.

"Natasha's the best spy agent S.H.I.E.L.D. has, okay? She's gonna find out what happened to Fury." Emersyn finished. "Fury would have trusted her."

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