Tears and screams

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Scott's POV:

It hurts. Seeing him with someone else, IT JUST HURTS. 

"Hi Scott!" he yelled

"hey...it seems you and Tango are back together?" I asked hiding the poppy I brought behind my back

he smiled and Tango blushed looking away...Right. He is Jimmy's new partner.

"Yea... ever since double life, I realized he was truly meant for me" Jimmy explained whilst Tango just nodded still a living tomato

"I-...I see" I held tears back, cowardly walking backwards into the water "then I'll see you around...?" I awkwardly asked, he didn't even look at me..."I'm happy for you, sunflower" I whispered before fully submerging my body underwater

"Scott..?" I heard him ask but I can't look back, I couldn't

swimming back to the Coral Isles as fast as I could. God Dammit Scott, it was Lives ago, why do you still LOVE him.


. **At the Coral Isles**


"Ugh..." I grunted reaching my island, I looked at my hand and realized something...I DROPPED THE POPPY!...it was useless anyways

"Scott?" I heard Martyn's voice as I got out of the water, drying myself off "did something happen?" I didn't respond but judging from how he went silent, he knows not to ask.

"Umm...If you don't want to talk about it now, how about later...? and until then, you want something to eat? to drink?" he offered, how sweet of him.. "I'd like that..." I responded as he took my hand and smiled... smiling back I thought how cute...

he led me to the deck of our little ship and sat me down, heading inside to get some food. I smiled, I'm lucky to have a friend like him...

"JIMMY!!!" I heard someone shout, I turned my head towards the shore and saw Jimmy and Cleo..?

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PHYSCHO!" he yelled, what was happening?

"YOU DARE HURT SCOTT, AGAIN!?" She shouted back swinging her sword at him, trying to stab him as Bdubs, Scar and Tango just stared, not knowing what to do...

JIMMY!...he's gonna get hurt! I should stop her

I was just about to jump off the deck and into the water but then, I heard it. the words I never wanted to hear

"I DON'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE, I'M SURE HE UNDERSTANDS!" he yelled and Cleo just stopped and pounced.

*Solidaritygaming was slain by ZombieCleo*


"woah, what happened there?" Martyn asked as he rushed outside, looking at the shore where the argument happened, "Damn, Scott did you-...Scott...?" tears were streaming down my face, I didn't even notice it but hearing those words...I don't understand...

"What did I do to deserve this... why did he.." I started ranting

"Scott...?" I looked at Martyn, seeing him with a worried look on his face I just thought to myself... I am truly pathetic...

I couldn't hold it anymore, I didn't want anyone to see me like this...

"I-..I have to go." I said, avoiding Martyn's eyes, rushing inside and immediately locking myself in my room



. **Scott has locked himself in his room for 6 hours now**


*Knock* *knock* mhm..ugh, what is..?

"Scott?" I heard Martyn's voice

"I..."  hmm? "I'm worried about you" what a useless thought...

"you wanna talk about it?" no. 

*knock* *knock*..."Scott?" go away Martyn...please.

"SCOTT!" huh...? "SCOTT ANSWER ME" I did...


not a second later, he kicked down the door..."WHAT THE FUCK MARTYN!?...!!" Martyn...?

he looked out of breath and dare I say, on the verge of tears... "oh thank goodness... don't scare me like that EVER again"..."huh..?" I was confused

he hugged me, tightly, "Martyn?? what has gotten into you.." I asked and he looked...pissed?

"WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO ME!?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!" he yelled, loud... my hands bolted to cover my ears.. they've always been sensitive to loud noises

"ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell" He apologized

"W-what is going on..?" I asked, looking around, how long was I out? and... when did it get dark?, I thought looking out the window

"You've been here for 6 hours...I got really worried when you didn't reply and when I kicked down the door I was bracing for the worst" he explained looking ashamed for thinking that way

I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek and chuckled "Don't worry darling, I'm not one to do something like that for a stupid reason like this one" he looked away slightly blushing, fufufu cute...

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I should have let you know what was going on" I said

he smiled and hugged me "it's ok, you didn't do it on purpose and had a lot on your mind..." 

"for now, rest" he said laying my head on his chest...eh..? I know I am not in the right state of mind right now but...did my heart just skip a beat...? "yea..." I whispered drifting to sleep.

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