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"What the fuck!!" Maxine yelled with an angry expression on her, she held the book that dovey asked.

While Charlotte and Lesso were completely shocked, "Maxine is not what it looks like" Charlotte said trying to buttoned her shirt.

"Stop making me a fucking blind i saw what you did!!" She yelled

"And you Lady Lesso, i expected you to see my cousin as your own student but this!!" She still yelled as Charlotte was trying to hold her hand but Maxine kept her distance.

"I am going to tell this to Dovey" Maxine said

"No!!" They both said, as she chuckled sarcastically.

"Afraid to find out what filthy you did in the library" Maxine said

"You can't stop me!!" Maxine yelled as Lesso threw a book on her as the hit on her temple.

"What the fuck did you do!?" Charlotte yelled as she went closer to her Maxine was unconsciously on the floor.

"Her temple is bleeding Lesso help me!!" She yelled, Lesso did magic to clean up the mess and ran close to them.

"Sorry for what i did" Lesso said

"By throwing her with a book, you're insane!!" Charlotte yelled

"What do you want to do, let her know and tell dovey about our secret" Lesso said as she just panicked looking at her cousin.

"Do you know a spell to forget it?" Charlotte asked


"Can you do it" Charlotte said, but Lesso looked at her if she actually wanted to do it and of course she saw Charlotte wanted to do it.

"Okay" Lesso said as she put her finger on Maxine's head her finger glow.

"Removed her memory, when she woke up only she will remember why she came here" Lesso said as she removed her finger on her hand.

"Fix yourself" Charlotte said as they both fixed their clothes and hair, as Maxine eyes slowly opened.

She groaned, "what happened? Why am i laying on the floor?" She asked Charlotte as her cousin sigh.

"You got unconscious when you got hit by a book Maxine" Charlotte said, pulling a handkerchief to wipe the blood on her temple.


"I remember now, geez......books can be dangerous too" Maxine said with a laugh as Lesso and Charlotte laughed also.

"Why are you guys sweating?" She asked


"We were practicing some spells in the library and we decided to fight with the magic we studied" Charlotte lied as Lesso just nodded.

"Really? I guess both of us going to practice magice mine is Dovey, she wanted me to get this book but you know i got stupidly hit by book" Maxine said as she laughed a she stand up brushing off any dust that came from her dress

"I have to go, Maybe Dovey has been worrying" she said as she was picking up the book on the floor.

"Bye for now" she said and left the library, Lesso and Charlotte sigh as she hit Lesso on the head.

"We almost got caught Lesso" Charlotte said

"At least she forgots, look we need to leave before any suspicion came" Lesso said. She reach the doorknob as she mumbled something.

"You look so hot whimpering underneath me, I think I should fuck you more often, my sweet little thing" charlotte got shivers on her spine as Lesso said that and smacked her elbow.

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