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TW: self harm feel free to skip this chapter..

Charlotte fell on lesso, as they groaned in pain charlotte was the first to stand up helping lesso to get up she fixed her tie again, she smelled the air of gavaldon.

"Home" lesso thinks as she notices charlotte's house..

"So this is where you live?" Lesso asked, she just nodded as she walked to their home the last thing she remembered was the door was open.

"Are you coming or what?" Charlotte asked

Lady lesso frowned and surrender but chuckles, entering her home was to comfy flowers all over mostly tulips but it was rotten.

She saw a books were stacked she looked all of it, gods, history of asgard, "you have been so desperate going huh?" She asked charlotte.

"Yes" is the only answer that charlotte gave as she look for something.

"Come on" charlotte said as she held lesso's hand they went upstairs but lesso trip on the staircase.

She bursted laughing, "oh shit are you alright lady lesso?" Charlotte asked as lesso groaned.

"That's why i hate heels"

"Yeah yeah, why are you dragging me?" She asked as she went up closer to charlotte, she gulped and didn't even realize how tall lady lesso was.

"Oh-um...the door" she pointed the door knob lesso raised an eyebrow, charlotte just looked at her. Lesso pointed her fingers and the door was unlocked.

Charlotte gasped at maxines room was, pages of the book were stick by the wall her four poster bed had scratched marked of a dagger or sword.

Lady lesso was just stunned as she look at the wall, two couple looking deeply each others eyes lovingly.

Lady lesso was just stunned as she look at the wall, two couple looking deeply each others eyes lovingly

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"Did she painted this?" Lesso asked but saw charlotte was on the floor kneeling she could whimpers.

"She was trying to kill herself" charlotte said as lady lesso come closer to her and saw a dagger had blood mark.

Lesso sighed and had no choice to do something that evil never doesn't do, comforting her as she removed her coat and wrapped around her.

Charlotte snuggled closer to her, lesso was never been so soft around her student but to her somethings different.

"I think we should go home" charlotte said, lady lesso eyes widened does she called school for evil a home.

"Can we go somewhere?" Lesso asked charlotte was confused does she know gavaldon.

"Where?" She asked

"Just trust me" lesso said as she stand and helped charlotte, she gave back the coat but lesso insist.

"Your cold" lesso said awkwardly as charlotte notice something night stand a doll and ugly doll.

She took it and she became more serious to think who gave it to her as her eyes widened.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑰𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora