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hello all:33
i decided to finally rewrite this fic ( a year after i said i would ...)) because god knows it needed a rewrite
i logged into this acc again a few days ago and reread it and holy shit i actually dont think ive ever cringed so hard in my life i nearly considered taking it down help

but we learn from our mistakes ..😁
and honestly i was just a silly 12/13 yr old girl when i was writing that, im 15 now so hopefully i have a better sense of whats acceptable to write and whats not LMFAO

anyway, enjoy the coffee re-write!:3

Amity Blight, top student at Hexside. She studies more than she goes out with her friends, but that doesn't bother her. She prefers getting a good job over getting high and wasted with Boscha, Skara, their friends and boyfriends. Or atleast, that's what her mom would prefer.

She was hunched over her small desk, studying for a science test she had the upcoming week. Her head ached and her back made her feel like she was in her mid 50's, her eyes were beginning to close on their own, she rubbed at them in a desperate attempt to keep them open. She needed coffee.

She probably could've just made it herself then and there, she had everything she needed. But she was craving coffee from a café — or something. Amity stood up from her wooden chair, stretching her back with a groan. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before dragging herself over to her vanity. She didn't bother with makeup, seeing it was around 2am, Amity didn't think anyone would be out at a coffee shop. She hadn't ever gone to get coffee this late, hell she didn't even know if the place she always goes to is open at this hour.

She put her teal, hair up in a quick ponytail instead of her usual half-up half-down look. She looked at herself in the mirror for a few seconds before sighing and getting up, grabbing her bag and her keys. She opened the door to her dorm and locked it behind her, checking it twice before she was sure.

She saw someone else leave from the dorm opposite hers, also locking it behind them. Since when did anyone even live in that dorm? Amity squinted her eyes, thinking that would help her see them as the only source of light she had was from her phone and she didn't want to point her phone at the person just to see who they are.

The person didn't stop to look at Amity, Amity didn't even think they saw her at all. Not that it bothered her, she's happy there was no interaction between them, she's too tired and needs coffee as soon as possible.

Amity rushed out of the building as quietly as possible, she couldn't let anyone see her. It was past lights out. Adding on that her parents would get a call to be notified that Amity was out at 2am. That for sure wouldn't end well. Hell, she was 18. Why wasn't she allowed to do what she wants yet? She was an adult. Most people got told that once they turn 18 their life turns around, usually for the better, but that wasn't the case for Amity. On her 18th and forward, her parents became even more over-protective.

So she got a new phone, new number, just so they couldn't call her every fucking night.

She got into her car. It was a silver Mercedes Benz. Her parents bought it for her when she turned 16, Amity had insisted she didn't need a car that expensive, that she'd be embarrassed to come in to her collage with a car that expensive, but of course, her parents didn't care. She unlocked it and quickly got in, wishing she had brought a jacket to cover her bare arms. She was wearing a purple pyjama shirt and grey shorts, not really the smartest thing to go out in, but again — who cares? Not like anyone from school would see her. It was the middle of November in the middle of the night, and it was cold inside the car.

She quickly turned the heating up and started up the car. Amity was a confident driver, so there wasn't anything she was worried about apart from getting caught when she returns to the dorms, but she never did get caught.

coffee ; beta  - rewrite!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें