New life | Prologue

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There is no introduction chapter this time. I'm doing some character building first now.
Summer POV

I slam the head of my axe into an Ursa as I continue running. I'm on a mission that I'm all too familiar with. One or more people want to escape their reliance on corporations or want to create a utopia outside any of the cities and leave their safety only to be stormed by Grimm after one thing doesn't go their way. If it wasn't for us hunters, their would be no hope for any possible survivors

I always go out of my way to check on these villages when I come across them. They don't deserve to die for their bad decisions. I only recently heard about this one and just got the time to check on them. I can only hope for the best

But as I get closer to the supposed location, my hopes dwindle as I come across wrecked buildings in the distance. The sight is horrible no matter how often I face it. It's such a disappointing waste of precious lives

I start to reach for my scroll to call for help in recovering the bodies when I hear a cry. I rushed over to the sound to find a little girl tripped over herself and plunging a dagger into an unusually small Beowolf. She picks herself up and runs over to hide behind my cape as the Beowolf dissipates

You poor thing. Are you alright? Anything broken?

I feel her shake her head into my cloak

At least there's that. Do you want to leave this place?

There is a heavy pause

Would it be better if I took you with me?

She quickly nods and grips my cape tighter

Alright, come hold my hand. I want to keep an eye on you.

It takes her some time to let go and grab my hand

There we go. Let's get going.

We leave the wrecked village, and I plan to call for recovery when she's fallen asleep

Now that I look at her, she can't be much older than Yang. The fact she's had to deal with this so young is horrific

So what is your name?

She doesn't speak

Alright, take your time.

Patch should be close by. Closer then Vale anyway. I'm sure Tai can help find any

(Y-y/n) Aquila. Thank you for saving me, Miss.

That's such a pretty name. There's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my job.

Your job?

Yep, I'm a huntress, and I save everyone that I can.

Like a hero?

Just like a hero.

That's really cool.

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