Chapter 7: Bitter Farewell

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Third Person's POV

When people have a crush on someone, some may try to interact with them being obvious or they would just admire them from afar. But most people who have the confidence would confess to them, it's either they would get rejected or it may be reciprocated. We wouldn't know.

Vance Lorenzo is a reserved kid, soft-spoken and charming. People perceived him as someone who is shy but he isn't at all, he just chooses who he wants to interact with and wants to be with.

Growing up with a novelist mother, she noticed that her seven years old son was gifted with intelligence that is in a higher level than his age and he loves to read. But that made her worried because he doesn't interact with kids his age at all, he was always in her office, reading books or studying. His son was probably experiencing things that he didn't want to say to her so she asked him softly, "Enzo baby, don't you like playing with the other kids?"

Vance looked up at his mother with his brown, doe eyes-that he got from his father, shining against the soft light emitting from the lamp. He was reading in the corner of his mother's office. He pouted and looked down at the book he was reading.

That long pause made her more worried and then she squatted down to her son's level and made him look at her eyes, "Baby, tell me. I'll listen to you. I'm here if you're facing a problem because I will help you." she reassured him.

He caught on that his mother was worried that he might be bullied and so he reassured her by saying, "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry. I don't experience any problems at our school, I do have friends and I play with them but it's just that I prefer reading books when I'm at home."

His mother felt relieved and she smiled softly at him as she patted his head, "That's good to hear but still, tell me if something is up, okay? Don't be afraid to receive a judgment from me because I will only listen to you, I will only say a thing if you tell me so."

Her son nodded cutely, "Yes, mom. I understand."

She let out a smile and kissed his cheeks before standing up, "And if you had a lot on your mind that you can't express verbally," she grabbed an empty notebook from her desk and lent it to her son. "You can write it here, free from judgment. Only you and this book can know all about it."

Vance was fascinated as he put down the book he was reading and received the notebook. His mother smiled at the sight she was seeing, he was hugging the notebook and looked up at her.

"Thank you, mom. I'll write until there's no more pages."

But he barely writes anything in that notebook because he always tells his mother about what happened to his daily life. This continued until he was at the age of nine, he'd turn ten in the next three days.

"Today, mom, I invited my friends to come to my birthday!" Voice filled with excitement as his mother listened attentively, "How many of them are coming?" She asked as she sipped on her tea.

"I only invited Thomas, Pierce and Spade!" He showed his three fingers on his mother's face. She chuckled and put down her teacup, "I can't wait to meet them, it seems like they are really good friends to you."

"They are the best!" He giggled as he answered his homework.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday~ Happy birthday, Enzo!"

The day of his birthday came, it was supposed to be grand so that some of his father's business partners could come but they went to their son's wish to make it simple and celebrate it with his parents and friends and their parents.

Turns out, the parents of his friends were old friends of his parents so that day was special for him. He spent his birthday having fun and playing with his friends, he was saddened when his friends had to go home but still he bid them farewell with his sweet smile, stifling the sobs he wanted to let out.

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