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But I can't see the future I drawn

It breaks like a dream

The ecstatically void atmosphere.

The sound of giggles, conversations going on. 

Everything she wanted, she smiled unconsciously. 

But, darkness dawned amidst all the gleefulness.


Yuqi's eyes opened in a split second. Another one of her dreams, no- rather nightmares. It was in the middle. It all had been the same. Every single damn time. She couldn't help it. She was left hopeless. 

The moon was still up. She stared at it, her eyes glued to the sky. Her eyes betrayed an expression of yearning something very anonymous, yet very known to her heart deep inside. Still, she knew it was of no use to her. No matter how she tried, she couldn't vision anything more than that. 

"Well, another one of those useless dreams." 

"Nothing more, nothing less."  were the words of disbelief that could be heard in the midnight spoken by her.

Wasting no time, she closed her eyes. For it was the desire to go back into her dreamland she once experienced. 

7:27 AM

"WAKE UP FROM YOUR DAMN DREAMLAND YEH SHUHUA!" he shouted standing at her door.  

Pillows guarding her ears for it was his adopted brother's obstreperous wake-up calls every morning. 

"5 MORE MINUTES, I'LL COME DOWN CHENLE." she responded. 

Unwillingly, she woke up every morning. But it was different today. She was wearing a smile on her face which her family loved to see. And the cause of it? Her first day in uni after moving to Korea. Brushing her teeth quickly and fixing herself, she ran downstairs.

Her grumbling stomach made a LOUD sound which had everyone situating their eyes on her. Shuhua just waved them a warm smile and sat down beside her younger sister; Da Xia, while Chenle had a moment of his dolphin-like laughter. Her older sister, Su-Hui passed her a plate, as it was her turn to cook. 

Chenle said "Thank the lord, it's your turn to cook. Shuhua would have burnt the house down and we would have to-"

"At least I don't empty the whole bottle of oil while making eggs." Shuhua interrupted.

"I bet I could make ONE decent pizza without BURNING it." Chenle exaggerated.

"Bet?" "Bet!" 

"I will only do it for 5000 won not more than that-"

"Shut up and eat your food you both! Or else I'll take it!" Su-hui cut in between.

Everyone else on the table were trying to halt their laughter, but Da-Xia gave in, laughing at her brother and sister. 

"Give it up, you both are acting like 13 year olds better than me." Xia said.

It was a typical morning at the Yeh's house. Quarreling, eating, laughing, eating, talking and more eating.

"Are they dead or something?! It has already been half an hour. Tch, and then they say 'Girl, you should be on time.' I swear-" 

"Chill Min, it has only been 10 minutes." Ten and BamBam chorused interrupting Minnie's rant.

"Wait, what?" Minnie questioned looking at her phone. "My bad. Anyways, what about Ms.Lalisa?"

"I'm here, Minnie ma'am-" Lisa resonated, trying to mimic Minnie's voice but ended up having her voice crack and she almost fell, entering the café.

And all erupted into laughter. 

"Do you know? I found my destined other!" Lisa exclaimed out of nowhere.

"I bet it's that guy named- Wait what was his name again?" Ten asked her.

Lisa then explained all the details to all of them, as if her life depended on it. "I'm just here for the tea." Ten said to her.

"Nah, 'cause y'all are so lucky. I'm STILL single. Even BamBam, you have one. God, I thought you were going to die alone with your pets." Minnie said. 

BamBam didn't even bother to defend himself. He said that he, himself thought that he'd have to die with his dogs and cats.

They started to chit-chat until the owner came in. "Now, let's get to work y'all!" he said flipping the wood thing which now said 'Open!'

They got up from the nearby seats close to the main counter. 

The bell tingled, indicating that someone entered the café and everyone narrowed their eyes in confusion. It had been a long time since someone unknown to them came here. 

Brown hair, innocent-looking dark brown eyes.

She spoke up, "Could I have a milk tea under the name 'Cho Miyeon?'"

Minnie looked back at her and that's when she realized, 

'She's the one.'

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Idk why I wrote this.

Well, anyways, how was it lol?

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