Chapter 10: Germany's Cyber Soldier and the Wrath of Kars

Start from the beginning

The sheer force of the bullets sent Kars crashing through the walls and into the snow outside. As he withstood the attack, I could hear him saying "The stone is MINE! Getting it cost Esidisi his life! I will not let his sacrifice be in vain."

For a moment, I was certain I saw a glow of light coming from where he stood. It flashed brightly against the night sky. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the light was coming from a BLADE extending from his arm!

Kars explained "I control LIGHT! BRILLIANT BONE BLADE!" It was with said blade that he proceeded to ferociously cut through the bullets in rapid succession. I don't know how he was moving so fast, but he was cutting each one as it came.

Stroheim exclaimed in shock "Impossible! That blade is made of hardened bone and skin! It shouldn't be able to deflect bullets, let alone slice them in half!" Kars charged toward Stroheim. The blade swung around and cut through his waist.

As he collapsed to the ground in two halves, I briefly noticed the blade glow even brighter, for a second, it almost seemed as if it was moving. I soon disregarded this though, my mind became distracted as Kars turned to Stroheim.

"And what was Santana?" He asked rhetorically. "Nothing but a child! He was a guard dog! He couldn't compare to us! Now, I'll take the stone." Reaching down, he picked up Stroheim's torso and began to walk away with it.

I knew his angle, there was a cliff in that direction. I knew I had to act soon, I didn't like Stroheim, but I couldn't risk Kars getting his hand on the stone. Both my mind and body were wracked with fear though.

The fight with Esidisi had left me shaken and scared. The burns were almost healed but still littered my body in places. If Kars was the leader, it was safe to assume he was also the most dangerous.

Turning to Joseph, I gave him a look that made my intentions clear. He understood, replying with a silent nod. The mistake we'd made against Esidisi was letting me face him alone. This time though, I was suggesting we work together, a suggestion he'd agreed with.

Step by step, we followed him out across the snow. We walked on either side of Kars, hoping we'd be able to catch him from either side. Even so, I could tell we both had our doubts. Why wouldn't we? Those blades, giving off a blinding light, could easily cut us both to ribbons, even if we concentrated our Hamon.

Kars reached forward, saying "The stone is in THIS pocket." He reached towards a front pocket on Stroheim's uniform, ripping it to sure enough, reveal that very stone. Kars held it up with a devilish smirk, saying "I've waited 4, no, 5000 years for this! And at last it is mine! It was destined to fall into MY hands!"

Me and Joseph gave each other a look, nodding in unison before Joseph called out "KARS!" The Pillar Man turned to face us with a cold expression, as he said "Wait there! I'll kill you both soon." I scowled with pure hatred, finding it difficult to hold myself back.

Joseph muttered "B-bastard, he really does hate us?" I commented "Are you surprised?" Before either side could think of moving, we heard Stroheim's voice rasping out. "Kars, you fool..." We all looked down at him. "Don't think you've beaten me yet."

As he said this, he looked up, I noticed that the red lens over his right eye lifted up, his eye seemed to actually move apart, revealing a mechanical one in its place. He triumphantly yelled "German science is the world's GREATEST!" 

Joseph lectured "Stroheim, you idiot, how can you boast at a time like this?!" He didn't answer and instead spoke "UV laser activate!" As this was said, a purple light suddenly formed around his eye. In an instant, a laser shot out, narrowly striking Kars, causing him to drop the stone! 

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Where stories live. Discover now