Chapter 10

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Oooooohkay well apparently in the last chapter I thought I posted a picture but I didn't which is weird but anyways let's keep going here's the next chapter.
Lizzie's p.o.v
As I was driving home I felt like going to eat at Zaxby's ( it's my secret obsession). When I got in I received a text message from Daphne saying that she would go check on Lizeth tomorrow. While I was walking I accidentally bumped into to someone.
" Oh sorry my bad " I say to the person I bumped into. I look up and I feel all the color from my face drain.
" Grant" I ask
"Lizzie" he says back
" Uhhhhhh bye" I turn to leave when I feel him grab me by my hand.
"Lizzie,baby listen to me please" he asks
" Fine" I say
" Okay here" he asks.
"No my house" I say "but first let me order food"
"Okay I need to order food to you know, plus I know nothing can stop you from eating Zaxby's" he says trying to light up the mood
I walk up to the lady who's gonna take my order and get the same as usual. Suddenly Grant tells the lady what he wants and pays.
" Really Grant" I ask him as I look at him.
" Yeaaa" he says while blushing.
I hear our orders being called and I go grab them. I turn to look at Grant.
" Ready?" I ask
"Ready "he responds.
I get out of Zaxbys and get in my car and drive to my house ready to what awaits me.
When I arrive to my house I set the food down on the counter and wait for Grant.
I hear a knock on the door and stand up to open the door.
" Come in" I tell Grant. I follow Grant into the kitchen and sit on the counter chairs.
" Well were do I start" Grant asks me while he's grabbing his plate.
" The kiss" I say while grabbing my food
" Well first off it was an accident. And well I was at the store trying to find my tuxedo for our wedding. Alex was with me. I was searching for one when I heard a voice behind me calling my name, I turned of course to find one of my ex-girlfriends standing there. I said hi and she asked me what I was doing in the store and I answered and told her I was gonna get married. She of course was not over me and started to say that she loved me and that I could break up with you and get back with her. I said no because I love you and I told her that I was happy with you and love you. She said that what did she have that I don't and I said that you make me happy and that I love you and always will and I know that I will never stop loving you. Than all of a sudden she grabbed me and kissed me and I of course reacted fast and pushed her off me and walked out of the room and told Alex we needed to leave than she came outside and started to call you names so I kind of slapped her and ran off with Alex." He says
" Oh Grant I'm sorry I should have let you explain to me I'm sorry you know I always jump to conclusions." I says while looking at my food.
" Hey hey baby look at me" he says and grabs my chin to make eye contact with him
" I love you and always will sometimes I think I love you so much I might explode and not fall more in love , but I was wrong cause I fall deeper and deeper in love with you everyday" he says and I grab him and kiss him.
Well there's another chapter. Ok I think I messed up but I'll change it Lizzie lives in a house not an apartment. I was thinking maybe I should write a book about Lizzie and Grant and how they met. That would be a good book there. Anyways on the side is the house of Lizzie. Vote, comment if you want a book about Grant and Lizzie.

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