He said nervously.

Irene: Ok. I will tell you guys.

She said, and we were ready to hear that.

Irene: We were in orphanage when we were teenagers.
Suddenly some mafia gang entered our orphanage and started to shoot us.
We seven escaped from them but got caught by a man.

Irene: He is none other than Y/N's dad. He saved us from his enemy and took us with him as we don't have anywhere to go.He asked us whether we were interested in mafia, and we said yes after thinking. He then told us to join his gang.

Irene: We got ready for the training the next morning. We were assembled in a room. That's when he came inside with her. She seemed to be cold.

Flashback (Irene is telling)

Mr.Kang: They are going to be your team mates, Y/N dear.

He said while looking at us with a smile, but her face was blank.
To clear the awkwardness, we introduced ourselves.

Jackson: Hey! I am Jackson.
Chanyeol: I am Chanyeol.
Irene: Hi!! I am Irene.
Lisa: I am Lisa. Nice to meet you!
Jennie: Hey, Y/N, I am Jennie.
Jisso: I am Jisso.
Rose: I am Rose!

We all said with a smile as we were excited to get a new friend.
We were always like that.

Y/N: I am Y/N.

She said with a faint voice of hers.
It was the first time we heard her voice.

Mr.Kang: Let's start the training. Shall we?

We nodded.
He thought us every single technique of his.
We learned everything with an interest.

Days passed.

She excelled in everything.
I mean literally in everything, even in studies.
We were very much impressed by her skills.

Slowly, she opened up to us.
We started to talk whenever we get free time in between our training.
She told about her past.
That's when our thoughts about her changed.
She is not cold but is very cheerful.
She is just hurt by the things that happened to her in the past.

We slowly made her forget her past and made her focus on her present.
She changed and we all became her best friends.

And our first mission came.

We were assigned to kill a man who was quite powerful at that time.
We all were a bit nervous about this big mission as it was our first time.
But she was ready without a slight fear.

We went to that place and was about to kill him, but unfortunately, we were surrounded by his men.

We were shocked.

Jackson: We were surrounded by his men.

He informed her, but she just said

Y/N: Cool! We can fire wherever we want then.

Saying that, she started to shoot them, and we joined her.
We killed him successfully.

We were happy.
And like this, she became a powerful mafia queen and a successful businesswoman now.

She just focused on her goal.

Flashback ends

She looked at me.

Irene: But when she saw you, she slowly fell for you.And what did you just do?Rejected her. It's ok. She endured it. But when you didn't trust her, she was just broken into a million pieces as her past memories crossed in her mind.

Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG x READER||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt