fifty | dinosaurs on a spaceship

Start from the beginning

It wasn't long after he'd said those words that a rumbling had occurred inside of the TARDIS.

And while Annabelle and Kai had simply stared at Brian Williams with their eyebrows raised and each of their heads slightly raised as well, the Doctor started to make his way out of the TARDIS as he said, "Everybody grab a torch."

And while the Doctor himself, Riddell, Queen Nefertiti, Annabelle and Kai had done just that before stepping out of the TARDIS, the most that Brian had done was drop the lightbulb that he was holding onto the floor of the TARDIS as he stared ahead of himself with wide eyes.

It wasn't long after Amy and Rory started to walk out of the TARDIS with Rory's father close behind them that the Doctor said from where he stood in front of a spiderweb, "Spiders. We don't normally get spiders in space."

As he stared at the outside of the TARDIS, Brian said, "What the..."

As soon as the door to the TARDIS had been closed, the Doctor yelled, "Don't move!" Then he pointed his flashlight at Brian and started to quickly walk over towards him as he asked, "Do you really think I'm that stupid, I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard, hey? Transmat? Who sent you?"

With a mere clearing of his throat, Rory said, "Doctor... That's my dad."

As he repeatedly looked between Brian and Rory, the Doctor replied, "Well, frankly, that's outrageous."

In turn, Rory said to him, "What?"

The Doctor asked him, "You think you can just bring your dad along without asking? I'm not a taxi service, you know."

Rory replied, "You materialized around us!"

With a mere raise of his head, the Doctor said, "Oh. Well, that's fine then." As he turned to face Brian once more, he said, "My mistake. Hello, Brian. How are you? Nice to meet you. Welcome. Welcome."

As he turned his back on Brian and Rory, he said, "This is the gang. I've got a gang. Yes. Come on, then, everyone."

While the majority of them had started to walk after the Doctor, Amy moved over towards Rory and said to him, "Tell him something, quick."

While Amy started to also walk away from where they stood by the TARDIS, Rory said to her, "Yes. Thank you."

Then– after hearing the sound of Kai's chuckling and the sound of Annabelle only sighing to herself– Rory let out a sigh of his own before he turned to his father, who said to him, "I'm not entirely sure what's going on."

In turn, Rory said to him, "You know when Amy and I first got married and we went traveling..."

Then Brian said to him, "To Thailand."

Rory replied, "More the entirety of space and time. In that police box."

It wasn't long after a thudding was heard and Kai had let out yet another chuckle that Amy asked the Doctor, "Alright, where are we? What is that noise? And hello, ten months!"

The Doctor told her, "Orbiting. Well, I say orbiting. More like pre-crashing. On a spaceship. Don't know." Then he turned to Amy and went to wrap his arms around her as he said to her, "And hello, Pond. Ten months."

After he pulled away from her, he said, "Never really understand that phrase." Then he pointed the flashlight past Amy as he told her, "This is Nefi. This is Riddell. They're with me."

Amy replied, "With you? What, they're 'with' you? A-Are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you? Did you, Kai and Annabelle all have a little get together to choose who's going to be replacing me and Rory?"

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