forty seven | let's kill hitler

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Ten months later

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Ten months later

As Annabelle had discovered during the ten months that she'd spent around her siblings after she'd been dropped back off into the home that she'd set on fire prior to being picked up by the Doctor in order to save Amy, life-changing circumstances were just as likely to happen to Annabelle as it would, if she was still traveling with the Doctor.

Because not even five minutes after she'd been dropped back off in the burning home by River Song, she found herself getting her neck snapped by her sister Rebekah, who'd taken it upon herself to bring Annabelle back to the city of New Orleans– a place that Annabelle hadn't personally been to in two-hundred and ninety-three years.

And now here she was, ten months later, and she was holed up in the compound with her two brothers and a werewolf-turned-hybrid that was the mother of her niece, who was currently being looked after by Rebekah.

And during the ten months that she'd spent in New Orleans, there were so many things that she had to deal with that only made her anger worsen the longer that she remained with her siblings.

The first being her discovery that Hayley Marshall– a werewolf that Annabelle had briefly met in Mystic Falls– had fallen pregnant with her brother's unborn niece and Rebekah's sole belief that just because she had a hand in the deaths of past women who were pregnant that Annabelle would do the same to an unborn child that was due to being a new addition to her family.

The second being her attempt to kill Marcel Gerard after he chose to demand answers from her about why she was going around and killing the tourists in New Orleans before Annabelle found her neck being snapped by Davina Claire, who was still being kept in the attic of Kieran O'Connell's church at the time.

The third being Rebekah daggering her because of Rebekah's refusal to allow Annabelle to get herself involved with Rebekah allying herself with Marcel in an attempt to keep Klaus from doing whatever it was that Rebekah had thought that he would do.

And solely because Annabelle hadn't also turned on him, Klaus took it upon himself to actually pull the dagger out of her back, which allowed Annabelle to go around and kill however many people that she wanted, but not before she went out of her way to destroy the majority of Rebekah's personal belongings.

The fourth being Davina Claire attacking Annabelle with her magic, which only resulted in memories that she had long since forgotten or had been forced to forget from when she was human to be brought back into the light and forcing to Annabelle to remember each and every single one of those memories– one of which involved the memory where her mother had placed a spell on her that would eventually result in Annabelle blacking out and murdering her own husband and two children, shortly after she was forced into becoming a vampire.

The fifth being her getting her neck snapped by a red-headed witch named Genevieve, who only snapped Annabelle's neck in the middle of the woods in her attempt to ensure that Annabelle wouldn't get in the way of the unfinished business that Genevieve had with Rebekah.

Unrepentant | DOCTOR WHO [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin