Step 9: Fall in with servants (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"I don't need my—" Frey paused, clearing his throat as if the itch had returned, though it hadn't. "I don't need a stable boy to tell me about my health and what I can and can't do."

"No, of course not." Marius' failing attempt at not smiling returned, and Frey couldn't help but address it.

"When I said my stable boy I meant it as in you mainly taking care of my horses. Specifically Tea for Two and... The other one."

"Lord Neigh?"

"... Yes."

"As honoured as I'd be to only take care of your horses, I do take care of most of them at some point during the day," Marius informed him with a grin, much to Frey's frustration. "I think it may come off as otherwise since you only see me when I'm around yours."

Of course he knew that. Frey wasn't oblivious to what tasks awaited someone working at the stables, but couldn't very well admit the possessive word he'd uttered had been by accident.

"But to be honest, I do spend a lot more time with your horses than with the others," Marius continued, almost with a comforting tone. "I know how much you care about them, so..."

"You do, don't you?" Frey muttered, remembering last night and Marius mentioning overhearing him talking to the horses now and then.

"Apologies..." Marius' voice lowered. "I never intended to eavesdrop. I just... Found it endearing and, well... Figured you'd appreciate it if they were well taken care of."

Was stopping a blush from appearing possible?

"Lord Clausson..." Marius averted his gaze, much to Frey's delight as it, in the end, proved impossible to keep the blushing cheeks from happening. "... May I ask why you kissed me?"

And thus, the delight was over and Frey could feel the aforementioned rosy colour being drained from his face as horror filled him.

"I... Told you, I was in an unfortunate and intoxicated state." He tried to sound amused, as if Marius was wrong to a laughable extent.

"Yeah, I get that, but what were you... Thinking, you know? You still must have had some reason behind it." Marius gestured between the two of them. "And I was wondering... You always say you don't like being touched by servants, and you rarely if ever talk to them, but yesterday you leaned against me, and let me touch your face and— And... I don't know, it seems like you have an easier time being around me than many others."

Frey had to shut it down. He had to shut it down quickly.

"I... Think you're getting ahead of yourself."

"Perhaps." Marius looked a bit disappointed at the idea though. "And I don't want to assume things but... With all this out there, don't you think we could at least acknowledge that you like me? A little?"

It took all of Frey's willpower not to scream.

"Listen, stable boy, I was... Understandably upset with people at the time, and it's only reasonable that I felt isolated." He straightened his back with a sigh, gathering his composure. "It's also reasonable that... My mind, weakened as it was, found the idea of someone listening and offering support seemingly without judgement... Comforting. That's all."

Marius nodded slowly.

"Your mind sure sounds reasonable."

"And since that... Kind of thing isn't something I usually have, I suppose my mind sought out the first option." Frey gestured vaguely at Marius. "Which just happened to be you."

Marius tilted his head to the side with a raised eyebrow.

"You mean like, a friend?"

Frey blinked, hoping to mask his confusion and building horror.

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