No one moved. "Maybe we need to hit the stones with fresh and pure essentia?" Faron thought on the comment for a moment then they all walked out following him like a mother duck. Leaving the freshly dead man on the ground.

Left alone again, looking at the lumps in my skin. At least I'd now finally be able to die and be done with this all. If someone hit me with essentia I was going to be killed. My body couldn't take it anymore any longer.

No one came in for a very long while not even to retrieve the bloating body, at least the silence was full of roaring and clanking of chains on bars from the other room. By the creatures and people pumped full of essentia.

I had no idea how much time had passed, it must have been a few weeks at this point. Especially since the dead body in front of me was nearly completely decayed, rotting away. I could already notice my body losing muscle and weight from no one coming in to feed me.

Leaning my head back looking up at the ceiling, it was the same as the minster and library empty darkness covered in star-like dots. Counting the dots for gods know how long as the door opened and people came in.

"Lily, we have someone for you." Keeping my head up but looking over with only my eyes, Ryland stood with him frozen in a seething anger.

Slowly lifting my head up, "I found it only right that your father should be the first, that way if you die he knows exactly what happened." Ry only stared at me, not speaking at all.

"Alright Ryland, go on." Shifting my eyes to Faron, rage creeped up my spine. I ground on my molars even biting my own tongue. Ryland walked in front of me, his hands engulfed in lightning. He was looking at me right in my eyes, I knew that he was forcing himself to do this. If anyone were forced to kill me, he'd make sure to do it himself.

Rylands eyes spoke for him in an I'm sorry as he shot bolts of his lightning at me. Grinding my teeth, howling in pain, throwing my head back. The taste of a sour metal coated my mouth. Barely a second into it a massive explosion sounded, stopping the lightning.

Panting hard and foaming at the mouth I looked around dizzy. Ryland and Faron were on the ground, their faces burnt. As for the others they were smashed and smeared on the walls, their bodies smoking and boiling making the room smell like a roast over a fire.

The concrete on the ground was singed in strange patterns. Smoke was even came off of my skin, Faron got up getting to me gripping onto my face looking into my eyes.

His face went up in disgust before punching me right in the face.

I snapped shouting at him, "I will rip your fucking face off with my fucking teeth!"

"Nothing is clearly working on her, let her go." Ryland stated.

Faron spun towards Ry, "something happened, her body just threw your essentia back and a symbol of Hades is now on her throat."

Huh? Hades didn't have lightning abilities and there's a mark on me?

"That makes no sense, if anything it'd be Zues's mark. Someone must have marked her themselves before we got in."

Faron seemed like smoke was coming out of his ears and nose as he came at me in anger, "was there?"

My nose bleeding down my face I nodded, and pointed a finger to one of the dead men roasting on the wall. Faron looked at the cooked man then back at me, as he did I spit my blood and half a broken tooth in his face. Seeing Ryland did give me some hope, since he now saw me he'd do anything to get me out.

They both left Ryland taking one more look at me. I winked at him and gave him a slight bloodied smile and thumbs up. To try and show him that I was getting through this and still somewhat myself.

Maids came in to clean up the walls of gore and bones. Not trying to look at them I stared at the ceiling to count, when a 'pst' came to my side, Ione's gorgeous face was surrounded by a shall she had snuck into the castle? Or is now a slave either or it made my stomach turn.

She mouthed to me "it's going to be okay, you'll be taken soon." Then quickly returned to cleaning with the others. Taken soon? Kade has not come this entire time, he probably gave up on having me after killing Poppy. He must know that I will slaughter him for it.

The next day Evander came with Faron and more Sutara. "You've mutilated her, you have doomed us all Faron." The King spoke like he was actually worried.

Shaking his head, "no I haven't by the time this works and he finds out she will be our weapon. He still believes she's dead like everyone else at the minster."

Who thinks I'm dead? Kade knows I'm alive, so who is he talking about? I figured all the torture was suppose to have me submit and listen, so I could be their pet or something. But what would they have me do, if not to kill Kade? I did pretend to be completely broken to make them think they had me in the right direction. Sure I was very close to breaking, but I was doing my best to endure it all and letting it simmer in my bones to get revenge later.

"Now do what I told you or you and I will have to have another session." Evander came in front of me like Ryland did. His eyes were sad, and sagged in black heavy bags.

He mouthed I'm sorry in a way that Faron wouldn't see. The flames engulfed me burning the cloth off my body, I immediately started shrieking in terror as I was burnt alive.

Then an explosion followed, and I felt a release off of my arms. Hanging my head down, my hair caught fire and my clothes melted off of me. My skin was painfully pink but all of the crystals in my arms were out.

They had popped out piercing some of the men or tacking to the stone walls. The gashes had cauterized themselves so I didn't bleed.

Faron came to me gripping onto my face squeezing before taking his knife right to my chest. Plunging it right into the center of my birthmark. There was blood but no pain, I must be dead or atleast dying.

He stared at me in anger carving into it, "if you stop her heart Kade will be in this room in seconds and we will all die."

Taking out the knife from my chest looking into my eyes then studying me. Turning my head, getting a good look at Kades mark, "someone flay the mark off of her."

Him and Evander left as two men came to me, one held my head and the other started skinning the mark off as others just looked on. It was painful of course but what made it worse was the sound of a squishy sawing while they sliced. Only lasting for a few seconds before he couldn't cut anymore, the knife pinged as if it hit metal. Both of them were going back and forth trying hard, the movement and sawing made me cringe. After what felt like an eternity they finally gave up to tell Faron what was happening.

He returned to try for himself to no avail, "someone get a fucking healer so she doesn't bleed out."

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