Galatic Lover Part 1

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Alas you brought down the piece of scrap on the running wild head of the larger robot in this wasteland, wherever you are there are a ton of robots only in these areas. This is your second time coming through here, yet again to Enmesh the Mandatus, whatever encrypted wording that doc tells you to keep Nevada as a safe level before tipping to madness. He told you this time you'll meet a man named The Maker, who will help you on this mission.

The white glowing door opened, and you stepped through, the strange heat going away leaving goosebumps on your skin at the sudden temperature change. The room was dark, like a suffocating nightmare as you squinted your eyes as you tried to make out anything in the dark before light blinded your eyes. Raising your hands and shielding from the light as your vision returned to normal as it adjusted, looking at the area around you the floor was that of an old wooden cabin, one light bulb hung from wherever it hanged from in the darkness.

Right in the middle was a red couch, not red as blood but red like the wine you had at the club a while back, sat a man with the most gorgeous middle cross you had ever seen. The swirls of purples and blues with flecks of white were mesmerizing that you almost wanted to feel it, to touch it, wearing a beautiful gray suit that looked fresh from the cleaners as a black hooded cape that was pulled up onto his head, giving him the mysterious vibe that drew you in. "So you've arrived." Never in your life had you heard such a deep voice before, it was like those drama shows you saw on TV where they distort the voice to hide their identity. He moved his head up and down slowly to look over your smaller form before raising one gloved hand and curling his finger towards himself.

"Come." He commanded with one word.

Your feet moved on their own as you came closer to him, there was just something about him, something that you wanted him to wash his godliness over you. The smell of musty basement and some strange masculine smell like cologne filled your senses as you stood before him. "Hello, Reader" He greeted you as he folded his hands together. "I'm sorry that this is how we finally met, arranging this wasn't easy on my part." He adjusted in the seating to be at his full height, which was towering over you even though he was sitting down. Your eyes glazed over his body, he was almost as built as Phobos, though you've never personally met him but heard rumors of the man that he was huge. Your eyes ended up landing on that noticeable outline between his legs, before your eyes shot up to his. "So, you're the maker, the creator, the god...that invented Nevada?" You questioned him as he shifted a bit, looking almost uncomfortable you think. "Not..exactly. Yes, but mostly no." That only raised more questions, but you wanted answers on why you had to do all of this as you asked, "I had to go through all this two times to meet you, now tell me, why am I doing this all in the first place Maker?"

He made a sound as if he was inhaling, turning his head away as he thought for a moment before looking back at you, "You already know why you're here. You returned to the nowhere, making your story untold. Then telling it again." He answered, that was some poetic bullshit he said about your reason. You slammed your weapon down in a fit of rage before grabbing onto the collar of his suit and pulling him close to your face, face flushed in anger while his flushed as well in a purplish hue with beads of sweat rolling down his face. "How does all of that 'save Nevada'?! Why is it so important and why can't Doc just Enmesh any of this, so I don't have to waste my goddamn time doing any of this?" Snapping at the god in your hands as he practically had to lean down to reach your height, damn you for being smaller.

His larger hands came up before resting softly but having a firm grip on your hips, "Your colleague needs a direct connection with the fundamental structure of reality. Enmeshment is the tether, and you are the weight that pulls it through the Mandatus." He softly spoke, not to anger you further as his thumbs rubbed your sides in a circular motion to help ease you faster. He had no idea what he was making you feel by doing that. "So..what happens this time? When Doc does what he needs, and I get sent back to the...nowhere...what then?" You spoke, sounding hopeless as you secretly wished you wanted to go back to a normal life, if you ever had one before all this, before you knew it Maker gently scooped you up into his arms and rested on his lap like a child to a father.

Just A 'Coincidence' (Madness combat X reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora