"Sugary Sweet" [2BDammed]

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(Art by Krinkles himself)

"Your blood tastes so sweet like candy, I must have more"

TW- mentions of knifeplay))

Slowly regaining conscious and instantly wincing from the bright light shinning down at you. You remember that you were fighting against the dissenters, Hank and the gang from one of the bases you were assigned at. The numb feeling in your arms and legs slowly faded away as a sudden coldness washed over you.

Weakly turning your head and noticing you're in some sort of operation room. Questioning yourself as you looked around, did you get injured or captured? "Ah...you're awake" A hollowed voice spoke above you, trying to turn your head up but the voice was still out of your sight. Hearing the supposed man walk to your left as the sound of wheels against the floor echoes around you.

There stood a man with red glasses on and a black mask covering his mouth. Jolting away from him as you remember he was named Doc or 2Bdammed. He lets out a chuckle, "seems like Hank thought you were dead, but i knew very much that you were a live still" he spoke as he lifted up a scalpel into his hand.

Seeing the light reflecting off of the polished metal you began to whimper in fear. He noticed your distress and leaned closer to your strapped down form. "Don't worry, I'll take extra care of you" with that he gently ran the knife across your arm, leaving a small red streak.

Wincing in pain and whined from the sudden feeling you pull against your restraints. "Ah ah ah, we don't want you moving around to much hm?" He pulled down his mask, showing off his scarred mouth as his tongue slipped out, grazing across the bleeding wound. It hurts just a bit but the heat of his breaths washes over it like a heating blanket.

No longer in pain as pleasure took over the feeling. He moved down to your stomach with a trail of bites and licks, making a trail down to your belly button. There he started to do the same what he did to your arm. Looking back up at you he licked a bit of your blood off his lips, "Your blood tastes so sugary sweet, I must have more!"

He exasperated and forced your legs open, exposing your sensitive area. Shaking in anticipation now as his breath fans over your area, his teeth grazing over the surface of it. "Please....don't tease me." You whimpered as you rolled your hips to the doctor, he lets out a bellowing laugh before diving his tongue to taste you.

Letting out a gasp as your back arches from the new sensation of his wet muscle exploring you. Packing his lips against your area as he swirls his tongue around quickly, arising loud moans from your lips. Tugging against your wrist restraints, wanting to place your hands into his silvery short hair and pull, wanting to fell more of him.

Doc started to ravish your area with licks and bites, soon eventually you screamed from the intense wave of orgasmic pleasure. Releasing into his awaiting mouth as he greedily licks every drop from your tired body. "I want more" He growled as he went in again.

Just A 'Coincidence' (Madness combat X reader)Where stories live. Discover now