SFW Headcanons pt1

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When he firsts meets you he was confused on why you wouldn't shoot at him. Eventually leading him to follow you like a lost puppy.

Of course the agency tried to shoot him and stop him but that didn't stop him from picking you up with his large paws.

Nuzzles all the time with low growly noises.

If you get hurt then the other person is fucking tomato paste.

Warm cuddles

You're a regular customer for Gil's burgers. Loving his food led to him and you talking all the time.

Cracking jokes and eventually small hand holding.

He admitted he like you when he suddenly kisses you. Quick sloppy kiss.

Then he suddenly went missing one day to end up being a Zed the next. Some reason he wouldn't attack you like the others but just hugging you and growling your name.

Gil, you're a regular customer for Gil's burgers. Loving his food led to him and you talking all the time.

Cracking jokes and eventually small hand holding.

He admitted he like you when he suddenly kisses you. Quick sloppy kiss.

Then he suddenly went missing one day to end up being a Zed the next. Some reason he wouldn't attack you like the others but just hugging you and growling your name.

Church & Jorge

Those two saw you fighting for your life and decided to join in to be heros against someone in destress.

Leading up to the two following you around and cracking jokes to you. Sometimes picking you up and putting you on their shoulders.

Shared kisses, back and forth kisses, tennis.

They will get aggressive with anyone why tries to pick a fight with you, eventually turning into a brawl.


He at first thought you were there for the bounty over his head but after a few smacks over the head he finally realized that wasn't the case.

This led to him wanting to be by your side all the time, calling you some southern names to the point you tying him up and dragging him.

He wont leave you alone, good luck buddy.

Will try to kiss you to be sly but you pull away and then he tries to play it off like it was nothing.

Eventually you do kiss he will just whisper. "Yippie Kay yay"

Mag Bandit.

When he first saw you he tried to eat you, but since you're sweaty and bloody from fighting. He said you taste like sewer water.

He would carry you around all the time, away from the ones who do want to eat you with no remorse. Him leading to scold the others.

Tongue kisses all the time. He really likes the taste of your saliva more.

He will want you to wear his clothes filled with his scent, to mark you as his.


At first he thought you were a potential opportunity for his murder time room. However when you got wounded he called it off and popped up in front of you. "I SAW YOU HURT...IT DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL GOOD!"

Since then he lets you stay up where he is to watch people slaughter each other.

He wont leave you alone, good luck buddy, you now have acquired a psychotic dumbass clown.

He would be confused with smooches and just bash his face on yours. With the mask on.

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