Prologue - A broken-winged butterly

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Japan. A tiny island with huge advancements... To some people, it is the epitome of the future with its refined cuisine and quality entertainment... Others may think the country is rich in folklore culture and has lots of traditions... Unfortunately, most of them only see the bright side of it, not even looking behind the curtains... The family life mixed with military rigor and clockwork-like perfectionism of some individuals. Their sanity is being slowly but constantly reduced to ashes. It forces them to live with a constant fear of failure and solitude... It can be a living hell, a daymare to the natives and even the tourists there... A way worse threat for them is the menacing presence of the ill-willed and twisted people. Predators... Elitists, womanizers, and groomers who are always lurking on the streets... They are nothing more than humanoid monsters who only seek entertainment in their lunatic or perverse way while making the weak ones suffer. And I didn't mention the evil contents of the local underworld, which only strengthens those negatives... It almost entirely comprises drugs and prostitution in this world... Not giving a single ounce of mercy to those young girls and women who want to blossom into successful persons.

The date is 23rd July. We are at a somewhat crowded metro station right now. A group of young adults from the upper echelon of this seemingly stable world is walking up the stairs with a bag containing a lot of cash, approximately 35 million yen. They stole it from a homeless, young, pregnant woman.

- For real now, Hideko... Where should we go now? We've got loads of free money from this filthy wretch, and we need to spend it ASAP!

A light orange-haired girl with eyes of green asked her feminine fellow called Hideko. The girl with her abominable question wore a hairpin with a flower and some winter clothes since it was cold.

- I don't know, Yui... There are too many choices... And robbing that damn bum was way easier than I thought it would be... I wouldn't have assumed she stashed away tons of cash in a public locker... That stupid bitch... Wait, I got an idea! How about we split it between us and tell nobody about that incident?

Hideko, a black-haired, more mature-looking girl with a small mole on her left cheek, suggested her idea to the girl called Yui. She also wore her garments for winter, along with the guys around them.

- Hmm... Sounds good enough to me.

- Uhh... What if she died from your abuse, Yui? - one guy in the group spoke up.

- Or if anybody has seen us?

- As I said to that aberrated whore, our world doesn't need useless dirty fuckers like "her!" And I don't think we'll get into a shitstorm unless we get rid of this heap of dosh. The people here wouldn't even want to care about all that unless we started telling everybody, which we fucking won't! They have their problems already - Yui stated as she couldn't stand repeating herself and any compassion for "social garbage" from her point of view at all.

- Alright then.

- Also, that wretch was a nobody... and I sincerely hope she died along with her filthy spawn...

- Daaaamn...

- Now that was savage, even from you, Yui...

- Why the fuck do they exist at all? Why did they make such idiotic decisions that led them to this path? Only for ruining our town's economy? OUR fun which WE worked so FUCKING HARD for?? ... You know what? Hideko, you're right. Let's just split the cash between us and disperse, goddammit! I'm afraid she was indeed fishy, and I want to forget about it right fucking now! - Yui started getting nervous since anyone could have heard her.

- Yeah, right... She was only a thief... A ragged, homeless thief...

- As for you, Yuuta, don't you dare get deceived by such cheap shit again, or I swear there will be conseq-

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