"I guess we have no choice but to tell L the truth." She sniffed and he nodded. They both went back inside and dinner resumed.

"What's going on?" Sayu asked, wondering as such to what was the reason Soichiro and Sachiko went outside for.

"We just wanted to get some fresh air. L, after dinner, you'll be staying here. We'll discuss this some more once we finish eating. Okay?" Soichiro told L and he nodded. Light held his hand, assuring him that it's probably nothing and everything is most likely okay. After dinner, L started crying as he was told about Watari's death and continued crying some more, heading to his new room aka Light's room.

"It's okay, L." Light said, then feeling a sharp pain again. It did it some more for seven times and then this time, it was really sharp and hard. "Oh god, that's bad." He said, feeling it really agonizing than ever.

"Light, I think I'm going to skip our movie night for a few days." L said, his eyes red and puffy from crying. Light didn't answer as he clutched his stomach really hard. He made another noise, followed by a groan. He then breathed heavily and did so, even as far as in his sleep. Cut to several days later and Watari's funeral was taking place. A lot of people were there, consisting of the Task Force's family, Roger, Near and Mello. L didn't speak as he was still in mourning and wanted to cry some more.

"My name is Roger Ruvie. I was Watari's best friend, working partner and partner in terms of our relationship. I wanted to say that this celebration of his life is the best thing that's happened and while it's a tragedy he died, I want every one of you to know he was loved by every one of us. With that being said, he will be missed. Goodbye, my love. I hope to see you soon." Roger said and walked to his seat. Just then, the slideshow started playing and music started playing. The last video was L as a small child at the age of 8 and entering the orphanage, holding Watari's hand as the older gentleman opened the gate and he started crying hysterically and screaming, knowing 9 years is too short to have known his surrogate father and be taken care of from him.

"Goodbye, Watari. Thank you for everything. I love you." His face crumbled and he started crying loudly, which made the entire room cry too. Light wrapped his hands around his shoulders, kissing him. He was no longer in pain as of two days ago as the brace has really worked. He was going to continue using it, even if it tires him out, he'll still use it. Regardless, he was really happy and knew this was the best thing to happen to him period. He went to check up on L and found him wearing his hoodie still.

"Light, I'm so sorry everything that's happened. Your stomach pains to Watari's unexpected death. Whatever happened in that last part, I guess we'll never know how he died." He told him, crying harder and Light placed his hand on his shoulder, kissing him softly.

"It's okay, L. You'll be alright." He told him and he nodded, feeling worse and continued to cry some more. Light felt bad for him and knew he was taking Watari's unexpected death so hard. "L, can I ask you a question?" He asked the dark haired 17 year old a question related to his parents.

"What is it?" He answered, his voice cracking from crying. He didn't want to even talk much but knew talking was an important part of grief.

"What happened to your real parents?" He asked him, wondering as such, seeing as he never told him why he ended up as an orphan and lived at Wammy's House.

"They died in a train explosion from coming home from work. They left me home all the time and at 7 years old, I ended up becoming an orphan. By 8, I had remained as one still and nearly died in the snow, only to meet Watari and well, the rest is history." L explained, crying some more and harder than ever. Light felt horribly bad and knew this was terrible. The poor boy has gotten exposed to so much trauma but hides it well or has moved on, but has to deal with death all over again.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You are more than welcome to live with us but not be adopted as that would be weird to date my own brother." Light said, holding L's hand and he nodded. He can hear Watari's last words from his head. L, don't be afraid to call me if something goes wrong. You're a good boy and I love you, my adoptive son.

March has now approached and during graduation, Light has made his valedictorian speech on what high school taught him and how life also taught him in many ways on everything. His sexuality, his stomach pain, despite it not as consistently present anymore and just how life has made him see in a better perspective but also made him much more happier and comfortable with who he is. "I'd also like to thank my boyfriend who is watching me graduate high school. I found love with him and for the first time, I never felt this happy with anyone else but him." Light smiled, finishing his speech and the graduates (including him) got their diplomas with the entire room clapping and whistling, cheering roared the building.

After graduation was over, Light got some photos taken. He ended up getting one with L and hugged him, kissing his cheek. He handed him a gift and it was a bracelet of his birthstone. "L, this is classy and so exquisite. Thank you." Light smiled, kissing him some more but in the lips.

"You're welcome. Does it fit?" L asked, smiling even more so as he blushed and looked at him, holding his hand.

"It does and will always be part of my heart, just like you." He smiled even more, hugging him and wouldn't stop for 13 seconds. Just then, Soichiro smiled and Light wondered what he was so happy about.

"Light, now that you officially graduated, I've decided to give you a 4 year course on becoming a police officer. You will be certificated and certified like you would do in university. Even the Task Force agreed this was a great plan and would teach you as needed." He told him and L smiled, knowing he was behind this the whole time. Light was at a loss for words and knew this was the best thing that's ever happened and he smiled even more than ever.

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