Izuku With a Sugar Quirk

Start from the beginning

Izuku giggled with delight as he played with the gummy bear, making it dance and bounce around the room. The bear had become his constant companion, and he loved spending time with it.

"Look, Mommy, he's dancing!" Izuku exclaimed as the gummy bear wiggled its hips to an imaginary beat.

Inko smiled at her son's antics. She loved watching him play with the gummy bear, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at what he was capable of with his quirk.

"I see that, Izuku," Inko replied, watching as the gummy bear spun around in circles. "You two seem to be having a lot of fun together."

Izuku beamed with pride. "Uh-huh, we're best friends now," he said, hugging the gummy bear close to his chest.

Inko chuckled at the sight. Izuku was always so sweet and innocent, and she loved seeing him interact with the world around him.

"You know, Izuku, you're so good at making friends," Inko said, tousling his hair affectionately. "I'm sure you'll make many more friends as you grow up."

Izuku nodded, his eyes bright with excitement. "Yeah, I will! And I'll use my powers to make them come to life, just like I did with the gummy bear."

Inko smiled, knowing that her son was destined for great things. She couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and the many friends he would undoubtedly make along the way.

As the months passed, the gummy bear continued to grow with Izuku. It became a permanent fixture in their household, and even Inko had grown fond of it.

But as the gummy bear grew larger, it became more and more difficult to keep it hidden from the outside world. Inko knew that it was only a matter of time before someone discovered their secret, but she couldn't bring herself to part with Izuku's beloved friend.

One day, when Izuku was around 10 years old, the gummy bear stopped growing. It had reached a size of 50 pounds, and was now about half the size of Izuku himself.

Izuku was overjoyed to see that his friend had stopped growing, but was also a little sad that it would never be as big as he had hoped.

"It's okay, buddy," he said, patting the gummy bear on its soft, sticky head. "You're still my best friend, no matter how big you are."

The gummy bear wiggled happily in response, its eyes shining with affection for its small friend.

Inko smiled at the sight of the two of them together. Despite all the chaos that the gummy bear had brought into their lives, she couldn't help but feel grateful for it. After all, it had brought so much joy and happiness to Izuku's life, and that was all that mattered.

the next day Inko stood in front of the wall, her eyes fixed on the large, crystalized stain that marred its surface. It had been there for years now, a testament to the chaos that Izuku's quirk had brought into their lives.

She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the day when it had first appeared. Izuku had been barely a year old, and had just discovered his ability to control sugar in all its forms.

He had been so excited to show off his newfound power, and had used a bottle of liquid candy to paint a heart on the wall.

Inko had been horrified at the time, but now she looked back on it with fondness. It was just one of the many ways that Izuku had brought joy and wonder into their lives.

"I remember when you did this, Izuku," Inko said softly, tracing her fingers over the crystallized heart. "You were so small, but you had so much power."

Izuku, who was now a teenager, looked over at his mother with a grin. "Yeah, I remember that too," he said, his eyes shining with affection. "I was so proud of myself for making that heart."

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