Rimuru x anos mpreg

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Rimuru Tempest had always known that slimes could reproduce asexually, but they had never considered what the possibility of reproducing asexually would mean. It wasn't until they had a one-night stand with Anos Voldigoad, the Demon King, that they discovered that slimes could reproduce with anyone regardless of gender or species.

At first, Rimuru didn't think much of it, assuming that nothing would come of their brief encounter. However, a few weeks later, they began to notice some unusual changes in Anos. He was more tired than usual, had a noticeable bump in his abdomen, and was experiencing bouts of nausea and mood swings.

Concerned, Rimuru took Anos to see a doctor, who confirmed their suspicions: Anos was pregnant. Rimuru was shocked but also excited about the news. They had never imagined that they would have a child with the Demon King, let alone a slime baby.

Anos, on the other hand, was initially angry and indignant at the news. As a Demon King, he was used to being in control and never thought he would be in a position of vulnerability. But as the reality of the situation sunk in, Anos realized that he had a responsibility to the child he had unwittingly helped create. He reluctantly agreed to work with Rimuru to prepare for the baby's arrival, though he made it clear that he would not be taking on any stereotypically "feminine" roles.

Rimuru was both excited and nervous about becoming a parent. They threw themselves into learning everything they could about pregnancy and childbirth, reading books, attending classes, and seeking advice from experts. They also made sure to take good care of Anos, providing him with nutritious food, comfortable clothing, and plenty of rest.

As the pregnancy progressed, Rimuru and Anos had to navigate their evolving relationship. They had started off as casual acquaintances, but now they were tied together by the life growing inside of Anos. They had to learn to trust each other and work together to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Rimuru was grateful for the opportunity to become a parent and excited to meet their slime baby.

Anos had always been proud and independent, but the physical toll of pregnancy was starting to wear on him. He had already dealt with the shock of discovering that he was pregnant with Rimuru's baby, and now he was experiencing intense morning sickness.

The nausea and vomiting were so severe that Anos could hardly keep anything down. He had lost weight and was constantly fatigued. He tried to tough it out, but eventually, he realized that he needed help.

Anos turned to his human parents for assistance. Despite being a Demon King, Anos had a deep affection for his human parents, who had raised him and loved him unconditionally. His mother, in particular, had always been a source of comfort and support.

When he arrived at his parents' home, Anos was in bad shape. He could barely stand, let alone speak. His mother took one look at him and knew exactly what was wrong.

"Morning sickness, huh?" she said, teasingly. "Looks like you're getting a taste of your own medicine, Anos. I remember when I was pregnant with you, you made me go through the same thing."

Despite feeling embarrassed and vulnerable, Anos couldn't help but smile at his mother's words. He was grateful for her lighthearted teasing, which made him feel a little less alone.

Anos' mother quickly got to work, preparing him a simple and nutritious meal that he could keep down. She also gave him some herbal remedies that she had used during her own pregnancies, which helped to ease his nausea and settle his stomach.

Over the next few weeks, Anos continued to rely on his mother's guidance and support. She helped him to adjust his diet, get plenty of rest, and cope with the emotional challenges of pregnancy. Anos' father was also supportive, though he was less involved in the day-to-day care. Meanwhile Rimuru and Anos started to discuss names for their slime baby. They wanted something unique and meaningful, something that would reflect their unconventional relationship and the love they shared. After much discussion and debate, they settled on the name "Karma," a nod to the twists and turns of fate that had brought them together.

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