Dead By Daylight

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Perk: Knockout Punch

Description: While being carried by the killer, you can knock them out cold with a well-placed punch. The knockout lasts for 20 seconds, during which the killer's screen goes pitch black and they are unable to hear anything. This allows the survivor to break free and make a run for it. However, using this perk will leave you with the exposed status effect for the entire match, making you a one-hit down to the killer. The perk has a 1-minute cooldown, and can only be used when you are being carried and within 10 meters of a hook. The cooldown only starts once the killer has recovered and returned to their normal state.

With this perk, the survivor gains a powerful tool for escaping the killer's grasp, but at a significant cost. The exposed status effect means that they can be taken down with a single hit from the killer, making it a risky choice to use the perk. Additionally, the range limitation ensures that the perk can't be used too often or too easily, while the cooldown ensures that it can't be spammed. Finally, the fact that the killer's screen goes pitch black ensures that the perk has a significant impact on gameplay and can't be easily countered by the killer.


Situation 1: it being Ineffectively used

Survivor: Jane Romero

Killer: The Trapper

Jane has been caught in a bear trap and The Trapper is carrying her towards a nearby hook. Jane has the Knockout Punch perk equipped, and decides to try and use it to escape. However, she is too far away from any hooks and cannot activate the perk. As The Trapper approaches the hook, Jane punches him in the face, but it has no effect. The Trapper proceeds to hook her, and Jane is left exposed for the rest of the game.

Situation 2: it being Effectively used

Survivor: David King 

Killer: The Spirit

David has been caught by The Spirit and is being carried towards a nearby hook. He sees that he is within range to use his Knockout Punch perk, so he waits until The Spirit is close to the hook before punching her in the face. The Spirit's screen goes pitch black and she is unable to hear anything, allowing David to break free and make a run for it. The last thing The Spirit sees is an animation of David suddenly punching her in the face before escaping. David manages to evade The Spirit for the rest of the game and ultimately survives.

In both situations, the Knockout Punch perk has a significant impact on gameplay. In the first situation, Jane misuses the perk and ends up in a worse position than before. In the second situation, David uses the perk effectively to escape The Spirit's grasp and evade her for the rest of the game. The animation of the survivor punching the killer in the face adds a satisfying and impactful visual element to the perk.


here's a scenario where Michael Myers is effectively punched by the Knockout Punch perk:

Survivor: Cheryl Mason Killer: Michael Myers

Cheryl has been caught by Michael Myers and is being carried towards a nearby hook. She sees that she is within range to use her Knockout Punch perk, so she waits until Myers is close to the hook before punching him in the face. Myers' screen goes pitch black and he is unable to hear anything, allowing Cheryl to break free and make a run for it. As she runs away, she glances back at Myers and sees that his nose is bleeding and looks visibly broken.

Myers, surprised by the force of the punch, is taken aback and stumbles for a moment before recovering. He quickly realizes that he needs to tend to his broken nose before continuing his hunt for Cheryl. As he reaches up to touch his nose, he realizes that it's much more painful than he expected. He takes a moment to collect himself before continuing to track Cheryl, but he's now at a disadvantage, both physically and psychologically.

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