Izuku With a Sugar Quirk

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Inko Midoriya had just finished feeding her infant son, Izuku, when she noticed something peculiar happening on the nearby countertop. She walked over to investigate and found that a bag of Peeps marshmallow bunnies that she had left out had begun to move on their own.

To her amazement, she saw that her one-month-old baby boy, Izuku, was reaching out to the bag of marshmallows with his tiny hands, and the bunnies were responding to his touch. They were hopping and bouncing around, almost as if they were alive.

Inko watched in awe as Izuku continued to play with the marshmallow bunnies, moving them around and making them interact with each other. She couldn't believe what she was seeing - her baby was controlling the movement of the marshmallows with his mind.

As she continued to watch, Izuku seemed to tire of playing with the marshmallows, and the bunnies gradually slowed down and came to a stop. Inko was left standing there, holding her baby in her arms, wondering what other incredible abilities he might possess.

From that day on, Inko knew that her son was special and that he had a destiny that was greater than anything she could have ever imagined. She would do everything in her power to help him develop his powers and become the hero that she knew he was meant to be.

later Inko Midoriya took a deep breath as she pushed her shopping cart down the candy aisle of the supermarket, her two-month-old son Izuku snuggled in a carrier against her chest. She knew that this would be a challenging task, as the brightly colored packages and sugary treats would surely catch her baby's attention.

As expected, chaos erupted as soon as they entered the aisle. Izuku's eyes grew wide as he took in the colorful array of sweets and treats, and he began to coo and gurgle with excitement.

Suddenly, Inko heard a loud thud, and turned around to see that Izuku had dropped his pacifier on the ground. As she bent down to pick it up, she felt a tug on her shirt and turned to see that her son was reaching out towards a massive, 26-pound gummy bear on the top shelf.

Before Inko could react, Izuku had used his quirk to make the gummy bear come to life. The bear began to wiggle and squirm, its eyes opening and closing as it looked around in confusion. It seemed almost as surprised as Inko was at what had just happened.

Izuku reached out to the gummy bear with a wide smile, and as he hugged it, the bear responded with a soft, squishy embrace. Inko watched in amazement as her baby boy had made a friend out of a gummy bear using his quirk.

As they continued down the candy aisle, Inko couldn't help but feel a sense of both pride and worry for her son's growing powers. She knew that with his abilities, he could potentially change the world, but she also knew that she would have to be there to guide him and make sure that he used his powers for good.

Days went by, and the gummy bear became a constant presence in the Midoriya household. Inko had placed it in the living room as a decoration, but Izuku seemed to have other plans. He would spend hours playing with the gummy bear, making it come to life and dance around the room.

As time passed, Inko noticed something strange happening with the gummy bear. It seemed to be growing, getting softer and squishier as the days went by. Inko couldn't explain it, but it almost seemed as though the constant exposure to Izuku's powers was bringing the gummy bear to life.

One day, as Inko was sitting in the living room watching Izuku play with the gummy bear, she suddenly realized that the bear was no longer just a toy. It had become a member of their family, a living, breathing creature that Izuku had created with his quirk.

Inko watched in awe as the gummy bear waddled over to her and snuggled up against her leg, its eyes looking up at her with an almost human-like expression of affection. She knew that this was just the beginning of what her son's powers could do, and she felt a mix of excitement and trepidation for what the future might hold.

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