''The Final Battle''

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630 A:M

We woke the engines and saw that James had some sweat on his face. When we asked what was wrong he said he horrible nightmares of BoCo trying to kill him due being to rude him when they first met. I comforted the poor LYNER Class 28 tender engine had gotten over it fast. Now we preparing to go to Vicarstown for the battle.

11:24 A:M

Once we had all our weapons we setted off into the fog. As heading off I noticed Thomas' mentality had improved and was determined to bring down the creature as he wanted to make Edward proud. Jessie gave a pat the footplate and said that no matter what happens there a family. Once we arrived at the deceased Vicarstown we quickly places and waited for BoCo to come and attack, then a engine came in was coming of rails derailed it side. On closer inspection. It was Neville!

But they were else we noticed the weather was suddenly cloudy then went the earthquake

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But they were else we noticed the weather was suddenly cloudy then went the earthquake. What the Hell was going on?! But didn't matter the breakdown crane quickly re-railed Neville and his goods train. He said he was taking to the mainland and we also told him to get from Sodor as possible. We said our goodbyes and he left. 3 minutes we heard a horn and Diesel 10 come out the yard with a crowd on infected. When he his hoard charged towards Thomas but was pulled off the way by Oliver and while the rest of the hoard began to fight us. Things didn't any easier as Spencer came racing up unstoppable and crashed into Diesel 10 knocking off the rails which some of the hoard to fall Oliver but the auto tank just blew steam which them. Then several tendrils grew out its mouth and ran to kill Oliver. But when he realized some survivors were shooting at him, he went towards them and grabbed a civilian and threw him on the ground. Then Emily with a flatbed and distracted Diesel 10 to save Oliver and the survivors and that was nearly a mistake. With his claw, he crushed the flatbed to scrap metal and went after Emily. Once he realized was out of coal more tendrils grew out of its mouth and went for the kill! Emily shut her eyes expecting tear off the face until a whistle was heard in the distance and one that was a savior James with Henry, Molly and with a work coach will full of survivors.

 Once he realized was out of coal more tendrils grew out of its mouth and went for the kill! Emily shut her eyes expecting tear off the face until a whistle was heard in the distance and one that was a savior James with Henry, Molly and with a wor...

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The survivors from the coach and began shoot like they there no tomorrow. According to James they all soldiers of the army were ran were killed at Knapford with some fuel tankers so now we can't suffer from them anymore. Diesel 10 turned his attention to James, Henry and Molly and tried to kill them and Henry rammed into it sending it flying off the rails. With help of the group we managed to kill half of hoard. We thought everything was fine but know that Diesel 10 had brought BoCo with him with the tendrils it threw Emily off the line. Thomas and Molly tried to back for her they were stopped by Rosie and Toby. Then Duck, Stanley and Wilbert made another distraction they fell for it and we had enough time shoot them of the rails and shoot the tendrils clean off. Then a missile dropped and exploded the entire damn building behind the station the impact. The Creatures were also caught in the explosion. But heard some groaning. Those things were still alive and tendrils grew back, there was no way of killing these two. We thought got worse and Spencer reversed into the station but things were different. We looked at the entrance and we shocked. There with Spencer was Murdoch, Edward, Barry, Arthur and Fergus. Edward's corpse slowly being moving towards BoCo and Diesel 10 and the other infected engines buffered up charged at D10 and several like tendrils grew out their smokebox and ripped the hydraulic claw on the roof. Diesel 10 was powerless and begged for mercy apologizing to steam engines in general. However the two creatures weren't going down without a fight and both were holding off really well. With all of his might Edward pushed BoCo out of Vicarstown  and toward the bridge and the infected engines pushed Diesel 10 out of station which flying back. We then heard an loud explosion as fire went everywhere. When checked below the bridge we the remains of Old Iron, the Metrovics and the clawless diesel but we to move on. Sir Topham Hatt told that there a ship waiting for us and the surviving engines and rolling stock were taken the bluebell while on the way we found a cure and now all the engines are back to normal. While the events that on Sodor still hunts our dreams we gotten over it now enjoyed our life. Jacob, Daniel, Sally and Jessie and their own families went back to America. I with my son Thomas and my wife Petra. Speaking of Thomas, he is doing pretty solid himself. Although he misses his friends on Sodor they will proud our accomplishments. Thanks for joining us on our journey. This is Bob Lenson saying goodbye.

The End.

The End

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Sodor EarthquakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora