''The Discussion and a Undead Engine''

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While we discussing about the plan Mavis had been quiet lately, when Thomas asked her why she teared up and explained that Daisy had been sent to work at the quarry as the punishment for the laziness. When the earthquake occurred she left Daisy at the quarry, she heard her screams and heard an explosion. Little that they know that Percy had heard and he was furious, he was race in face and yelled at Mavis for causing Daisy's Death. Mavis kept apologizing but Percy wasn't convinced and began to reverse, Thomas knew what he was doing and tired to stop him but didn't work. There were some fuel tankers in yard and with a lot of force. Percy pushed Mavis into the yard and as just as we thought she died, we found her derailed in yard with feelings hurt.

 Percy pushed Mavis into the yard and as just as we thought she died, we found her derailed in yard with feelings hurt

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Percy realized what he had done and apologized to Mavis . Anyways, Molly said that we should just run the mainland but we can't leave our friends to die on the island as I said before and besides Thomas said he never meant to fight on his own. Harvey managed to re-rail Mavis just in time. We heard an familiar whistle, a whistle we also all feared. There on the middle track was Arthur alive and hungry. Gordon, Rebecca, Emily, Molly and Rosie tried to escape but were knocked the rails by Arthur tendrils. We alerted Jacob, Daniel, Sally and Jessie and all of them shoot their guns at Arthur which kind of scared him but he wasn't going down without a fight. Arthur grabbed one of Sally's named Kristen and threw her on the ground then at high speeds ran over her killing her in the process. Donald had enough of this and pushed Arthur off the rails he disappeared into the distance. Thankfully it reslove everything.

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